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deborah_jai t1_ivjgk2i wrote

Yeah I’ll be holding my nose voting for it because it doesn’t expunge the records of those convicted of marijuana offenses. But at least we can stop the bleeding a bit.


Arc-ansas t1_ivk0z8e wrote

It does include expungment.


deborah_jai t1_ivk1it5 wrote

IIRC it’s not automatic, it’s an “appeals process.” Which given who’s in charge and who will probably remain in charge for the foreseeable future, I can’t trust that as far as I can throw it.


Arc-ansas t1_ivk5i13 wrote

Most cannabis legalization laws don't even have any expungement provisions, Issue 3 does. Issue 3 is better than Colorado's law.


master-shake69 t1_ivlz3ap wrote

I don't know if it was automatic or not but that process wasn't some decision made for the bill. From what I've read elsewhere, there are other things preventing it from being automatic - not the bill writers.


jerry1deadhead t1_ivpbp4b wrote

It is automatic for those not currently in jail. For those now in jail for marijuana charges ONLY, they have to appeal to get out of jail and have their record expunged. One needs a lawyer for that and lawyers cost money. So, poor folks currently in jail for marijuana charges ONLY are likely just stuck there. That IS the Republican way....only rich (White) people deserve real justice.