Submitted by throwawayspfd t3_ypmtm7 in springfieldMO

Almost $200 a year. I have never made a claim. I have been driving for 15+ years and I drive a car that’s 2 decades old. Insurance company claims the insurance has gone up because the area I live in has had significant amount of claims recently. Wtf does that even mean!? I have to pay more because Springfield drivers are idiots? It’s unethical and boarder line illegal.

Edit: to clarify, I pay every 6 months and it has gone up $91 a cycle. So $182 total a year.



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Thatguyyouhatealot t1_ivjoyqc wrote

Switch. You will save a ton.


Trixxxxxi t1_ivjrw2d wrote

Yep. You should check other companies rates at least once a year. It's crazy how different they can be.


ProGlizzyHandler t1_ivm960n wrote

This is so true. I was paying $310/mo for insurance on 2 2017 vehicles. Switched insurance companies and started paying $110/mo with more coverage for the same 2 vehicles. It's been almost 2 years now and my rates have been creeping up. If they go up again the in the spring I'll switch again. There's no discount for being loyal to an insurance agency.


Cold417 t1_ivjp685 wrote

The reason never matters when you're required to buy it.


[deleted] t1_ivk2wmu wrote

This…they could say because we want to and all you can do is say okay or go shop somewhere else and lose those sweet made up discounts they give you


pile_of_holes t1_ivjrrow wrote

You should be in the habit of shopping car/home insurance rates every couple years. Insurance companies expect churn, and being long time ‘loyal’ customer means nothing. They will raise rates arbitrarily, and count on a significant number of people doing precisely nothing. As they are all using this same practice, it guarantees customer churning. Shop a couple of new companies and you’ll almost certainly be offered a rate that has near parity with the cost you’re accustomed to for similar coverage (in the situation you described where no recent claims are in play and your vehicle has not changed).


Always_0421 t1_ivjy5xa wrote

Between cost of repair going up, litigation expense increase, increase in property crime in this area, and inflation, everyone can expect their bill to rise.

$200 seems like a lot though. I'd ask your agent directly.


AnomalousBean t1_ivkrm85 wrote

> It’s unethical and boarder line illegal.

What do you mean by this?


dailycitizen t1_ivjsv0h wrote

Springfield area has one of the highest rates of property crimes in the nation. Lots of those involve people's vehicles.

My insurance has gone up the last 3 years.


usafdirtboyz t1_ivkpaja wrote

Weird how every second my car exists it loses value if I want to sell it, but have to pay more every year to have a depreciating asset covered at the same coverage, not really fucking sure how that works out, seems insurance companies get the long end of the straw every time.


Always_0421 t1_ivlyp7l wrote

It's not about replacement, its about repair.

Your car may only be worth 10k, but what used to be a $800 bumper cover replacement might now be $1100.

But also, for the first time I known of, most used vehicle.actually maintained, or even gained value from 2020-2022. Wierd times.

Had a truck I bought for $3000 in 2014. Replaced the ball bearings and a thrown tire rod in 2015. Kept the oil changed and drove it well....sold it in 2022 for $4200 to a guy VERY happy to gwt it for that.


Cold417 t1_ivkvbjh wrote

Wait until you guys see the personal property tax increase. It's on the Greene county Collector site if you want to see the damage.


ProGlizzyHandler t1_ivma07a wrote

My tax on my home went up $15 and my tax on my cars went up $100 but I've got an extra vehicle on there this year. The vehicle one is a bit much since the "assessed value" of the additional car is $400 (project car) but neither seem crazy.


HoppyTaco t1_ivl1qyy wrote

…. $200 a year? I’m on the border of Missouri paying $150 a month.


Snekathan t1_ivlv8nl wrote

Im thinking they meant the increase was $182 total not that they only pay $182, so that’s on top of what they’re already paying.

I thought they meant they only pay $180 a year at first, was about to go crazy trying to find how they managed that


HoppyTaco t1_ivlvili wrote

Yeah after re reading, I think you’re right.

Mine went up about $16 per month, so that actually lines up pretty well with OP’s increase as well.


Use_the_Loofah t1_ivjslaj wrote

I have a friend that works for Progressive and she said pretty much everyone is going to see an increase in their premiums because the cost of repair/replacement has gone up significantly. $200 seems like an excessive amount though, so you should shop around for a better rate.


my_monkeys_fly t1_ivk46pv wrote

I have to switch every 5 or 6 years for this very reason. All of a sudden, with no changes, it skyrockets. Them I get the same insurance for less


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_ivl2kk5 wrote

My wife and I shop around for the best rates every year. It's the only way to save money on home and auto insurance. Agents may start to get pissy about it, but that's their problem for working in a predatory field.


pssssn t1_ivk6dhe wrote

I use an insurance broker. They will requote me with a variety of different companies on request since they aren't tied to a single insurance company.

Mid-Missouri Insurance is the one I use, I'm sure there are others in Springfield.


MenopausalMama t1_ivl0qe6 wrote

Ours went up $200 a month when my son got his license.


notnotpegbundy t1_ivlckjn wrote

Ours also went up, it’s across the board. Just like everything else.


sunshinesures t1_ivmpzan wrote

Mine did the same. Springfield drivers are WILD.


nickcash t1_ivv3t14 wrote

> I have to pay more because Springfield drivers are idiots?

Yes, actually. That's the way insurance works. The more likely it is that they'll have to pay out, the more they have to charge to cover it.


BWeave516 t1_iwbjuut wrote

I pay $154 a month.. 😅


DreadedSnail t1_iwtjm18 wrote

Exact thing just happened to us too it’s bs