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sgf-guy t1_ivn69s3 wrote

I live nearby and noticed this a few years back.

The city is in a weird spot of we follow professional guidelines in city departments but still rely on largely volunteer board members like council/P&Z, etc. P&Z seems to a bit more industry oriented voted appointments which prob helps a bit but I would support a paid part time job for city board members and some baseline training of what the standards the city depts work under. Pay them time to go visit the site, walk the area, sit and watch for a bit at diff times of the day, talk with people who very close by have boots on the ground situational reality.

I also see a problem with many commercial zoning projects having to have a certain percent of green space/landscaping space.

On face it is good, but you end up with situations like Raisin Cains that has a tree on the very NW property line in a no man’s land within spitting distance of Campbell. Or things like planting trees but no irrigation and no one at the new business ever waters it properly. Also, “landscapers” and contractors just buy to fill requirements and know -nothing- about botany or native species. I’d even consider a half as many plant requirements if native species…plus way more likely to survive.