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Advanced_Car1599 t1_ivqz2q2 wrote

I reread this several times. How was this discrimination?


Trixxxxxi t1_ivqz3tr wrote

One time I went to Taco Bell and tried to order a chalupa box, and the same thing happened to me. So I ordered something else and moved on with my life.


throwawayyyycuk t1_ivr16uw wrote

Post this to r/chipotle or r/mildly infuriating or something, this isn’t a Springfield thing it’s something you’ll have to speak to my manager about unfortunately, I just don’t have the authority to change what corporate wants us to serve. I’ll go get them for you, they’re in the back it’ll just be a minute


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivr4o8c wrote

My point is my kid was really excited about getting something that was available on the menu and had to leave without it because they wouldn't serve him even though the item is on the menu in store.


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivr6sr8 wrote

Picture this, you're 9 years old. Food and good times are your life. You get to go out to eat at a place you have a good memory of and see something on the menu you're excited about that you haven't had in a long time.

Now you are told that yes they have it available for sale, no they won't serve it to you unless you install an app on a device you don't have.


duvy1989 t1_ivrbma1 wrote

They want to 'train' you to use the app so they can have fewer employees, most large corporations do this to some extent. I know it doesn't feel good but businesses make decisions like these.


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivrdles wrote

Refusing to serve available kid's meals to in store customers without an app is immoral and insanely idiotic.

However, I'm not sure there would be enough members of a legally protected class to be worth a lawsuit. Maybe.


exhusband2bears t1_ivrhbvq wrote

That really sucks. I'm sorry your kid was disappointed, but I'm not sure it's really discrimination. Or not like, the legal definition of it anyway. Its definitely a stupid practice and impractical for anyone who doesn't want to/can't access the app, but that's a corporate practice that won't change unless it costs them money. I'd say your only real recourse is to not give them your business, which sounds like what you're planning anyway.

Again, sorry your kid had to be disappointed though. That sucks.


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivrpl69 wrote

Thank you. I'm not suggesting it was discrimination against him. He was lucky enough to be able to leave and get something good somewhere else and was okay with it. I am the one upset at how he was treated, particularly knowing it affects other people also.

I am saying it is a discriminatory practice and that it completely unnecessarily and without benefit to anyone marginalizes poor people and anyone not willing or able to install an app while they are checking out and go through a separate payment process.


exhusband2bears t1_ivrrhqd wrote

> that it completely unnecessarily and without benefit to anyone marginalizes poor people and anyone not willing or able to install an app while they are checking out and go through a separate payment process.

Oh, I agree.


22TopShelf22 t1_ivsc9bu wrote

Quesadilla discrimination is really picking up steam. We all need to keep an eye on it.


_thedogman t1_ivt7us2 wrote

You got the manager involved over 2 tacos and a juice box?


VaderTower t1_ivtiieq wrote

Yeah it's discrimination, but it's legal discrimination. The same way a business can discriminate against you if you wear hats, wearing hats aren't a protected class, therefore legal for the discrimination.

The only way to change that is to bring suit against the business, unlikely to win, or have state/federal legislation to write in a law.

Both of which have an incredibly low chance of success.


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivtq660 wrote

Ok Chipotle, there is no way you didn't get corporate trolls to downvote this. This is an incontrovertible simple statement of reality and simply isn't something a warm blooded human person would downvote.This speaks volumes about your corporate culture.


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivts3c1 wrote

Yes,, I think I would agree completely.

I don't think that everything that is immoral or stupid should be prosecuted.

That said there are likely localities that would have ordinances they would be in violation of if they are enforcing this nationwide.

I would also point out the fact there are almost certainly corporate shills downvoting good comments on this thread points to a pattern of bullying.


Ok_Professor2620 t1_ivu08tn wrote

OP is so dramatic. Almost every restaurant has online exclusives now. It’s your fault for not ensuring your child was prepared. Grow up


Rough-Dust-3926 t1_ivu4lwz wrote

Some questions:

  1. Did you send your 9 year old to chipotle alone and that's why you couldn't use your phone to order?

  2. Do you not realize you are posting online about not having the means to access the internet?

  3. Are you not discriminating against those without internet simply by posting this online where those without access to the internet can't see it?

  4. What was the menu item your kid wanted? (I'm about to use my infinite priveledge and get one so I can discriminatw against you.)


PollutionEvery2692 t1_ivuzxrw wrote

Not sure OP understands the difference between discrimination and not getting what they want. I’m sorry they didn’t have the menu item available through their POS system, but app exclusives are incredibly common for franchised restaurants like Chipotle, Taco Bell, McDonald’s, ect. Your child wasn’t “refused service,” they were told that the restaurant couldn’t do what they wanted and chose not to order an alternative item. People like you are a huge part of the reason that restaurants like Chipotle can’t keep enough staff. They don’t get paid enough to deal with your whiny entitlement.


Quirky_Highlight t1_ivvhg50 wrote

Thank you for your comments. I think you have embodied the feelings of many of the haters who chose to make fun of me for suggesting this policy is pointless systemic discrimination against those who are not as smart or well-equipped technically or otherwise able to perform the extra steps required as others.

There is no disrespect intended to the employees you are very nice and who are apparently doing exactly what they are paid to do.
