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EcoAffinity t1_iw3msuu wrote


StinkyDeerback t1_iw4fuz4 wrote

This is the right answer. Also, just to let OP know, The Kitchen, while started by a nun, is operated as a secular agency. Catholic Charities is operated as a secular agency when it comes to their housing services, like rapid rehousing and homeless prevention, but I'm not sure about their women's shelter.


velveteenbritches t1_iw5yotv wrote

Boosting others who said SWMO Solidarity Network!

I know you requested secular orgs. As an atheist, I wanted to chime in that the Connecting Grounds, although it’s a church, is a pretty progressive church that just gets it and is unlikely to push religious bs as a condition of using their services. Same with National Avenue Christian Church.


_ism_ t1_iwgmiay wrote

Yes, used to partake of their charity myself as an atheist. They've even made statements that they will REMOVE any religious materials that are donated to them before distributing to the homeless and they do NOT appreciate donations with "stealth religion" packed in and will use their volunteers to separate that stuff out.


cleanclotheschair t1_iw3i05s wrote

Dial 211. They will have all information you'd need.


[deleted] t1_iw3fy3y wrote



StinkyDeerback t1_iw4ga1e wrote

That's actually not accurate. Really only Victory Mission and Salvation Army are explicitly religious. Even The Kitchen and Catholic Charities are pretty much secular, at least when it comes to their housing services.


dumb-plant-bitch t1_iw3uzrk wrote

Springfield Freethinkers! Atheist/agnostic group. I think they have a Facebook and a meet up


mango_mermaid t1_iwgm32l wrote

People who aren’t religion based can still help out within religious based organizations. Just a gentle food for thought/reminder.


jttIII t1_iw4fq7k wrote

Out of genuine curiosity and hypothetically, if you found out that a religiously affiliated or originated program was 5-10x more efficient and potent in helping the unhoused vs the best secular organization would you still invest your time and recourses with the secular organization instead of the religious based one?

If so, I'm super genuinely curious to understand the calculus and the "why" behind that calculus.


Iron_Worker_ t1_iw4hutb wrote

I think for most people it's because when religious programs offer "help", it's done with an ulterior motive. Your free meal comes with a mandatory sermon or some other way of making you feel worse about yourself than you already do. It doesn't take calculus to understand why most of us feel uncomfortable around religious people who literally believe that they are better than you because of their faith. I definitely try to find secular alternatives when looking for a way to help the poor as well.

To answer your hypothetical scenario, I would say if their methods were that much more effective then I would not have a problem with employing those methods with another more sane group of people. It's highly doubtful that such methods would be a result of religious beliefs and more likely linked to better financing and access to resources.


mangogetter t1_iw6152c wrote

The Connecting Grounds does amazing work, and does not proselytize, expect anyone to come to church, or push religion at all. Also, they cancelled in-person. church services at their church for the winter so that unhoused families could stay there safely.


mightymeltar t1_iw6xon2 wrote

If I understand correctly, you desperately in need of help, but you won't accept it from the many, many groups of people you've found who have offered.

Interesting, literally a choosing beggar.


Iron_Worker_ t1_iw844g4 wrote

You don't understand correctly because you didn't read what was actually said.


Heil_Hipster t1_iw4b6gg wrote



cast_your_fate t1_iw58egg wrote

I just started volunteering for a cold weather shelter last year and for the first time encountered people referring to the homeless as unhoused. I suppose it humanizes their situation, with “unhoused” seeming less stigmatic. For example, I suspect the image of a dirty, disheveled guy sleeping off cheap booze on a big city street is a lot of the first images to come to someone’s mind when they hear the word “homeless”, while “unhoused” is that poor family that got evicted due to loss of job/medical bills, et cetera.


Ozarkian_Tritip t1_iw3gbyt wrote

Time for you to start one.


wildweasel29 OP t1_iw3i0qj wrote

If only it were that easy.


VaderTower t1_iw42k9q wrote

Just time and effort. If you have the passion it can be done.


jttIII t1_iw4eyg3 wrote

Lol... Why?... why is your very valid, non confrontational encouraging statement being downvoted?


VaderTower t1_iw57gnk wrote

Oh who knows, this isn't the first time and it won't be the last.

It wasn't sarcasm, it wasn't poking fun, truly that statement was encouraging that we can all start organizations and affect positive change. You don't need deep pockets, you don't need social capital, all you need is positive passion to do something good, you put a crazy amount of time and effort to get donations, and get like-minded people on board.

This is the simple blueprint almost every nonprofit starts with. Have a good idea, and effort.

Edit: I love that you got downvoted for asking lol.


cast_your_fate t1_iw5mye5 wrote

You’re right that oftentimes it’s a matter of “Who knows?” But in this case it seems pretty clear to me. OP asked the equivalent of, “Do you know what time it is?” And ozarkian_tritep responded with, “Time to get a watch.”

The OP lightly brushes off that shit answer, but you take it seriously with meaningless and unhelpful advice. Time, effort, and passion obviously do not always lead to success, and that is certainly unhelpful advice in this scenario where the OP probably is looking for an answer immediately since it’s COLD out there tonight and they need a place to stay. Keep your chin up, reach for the stars, never give up, and all your dreams will come true, unless that dream is not freezing to death tonight.

I don’t say all this to be a dick, but I’d put money that’s why there were downvotes.


VaderTower t1_iw5ts90 wrote

Meaningless and unhelpful advice?

OP said "if only it were that easy", my comment is about inspiring to actually make the change they want to see.

To your point if OP is looking for somewhere warm tonight I don't think they would be focused on religious v secular, but anything warm. My assumption was OP is looking for a good cause to support and/or volunteer. If I'm wrong and you're right, your comment is entirely valid. But I haven't seen any responses from OP except the one I responded to that we're discussing.
