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robzilla71173 t1_iwqwr4t wrote

None of these things is fiscally sensible. They're astroturfing Cooper Park over the winter at a cost of 25 million. They want to bring in big soccer tournaments. What it will really do is wreck the neighborhood for people that live there and wreck a really nice park and probably wreck some children's knees. We aren't all about the smart thing in this country. Right now there's a lot of unspent covid money and debt be damned, we're going to find stupid things to spend it on. Personally I'd prefer the greenways trail to a plasticized park, but over the years I've only found one of the trails to be uncrowded enough to be useful at all. I would bet most of them get way over 100 users a day.


sgf-guy t1_iwtiiod wrote

I live by the Grant Avenue project and that is a nightmare. One of the best quick local transit for locals from Sunshine to North of Norton options…and now it is “free” money becoming a thing that will ruin it all. More traffic on Campbell and Fort and Kansas because locals will avoid Grant.

I’ve found government has expanded beyond essential services to new departments and projects and job justification…used to be the media could call up the dept heads and talk with them on the record but now we have entire PR depts…who will speak for dept head…despite knowing nothing.

You could cut at least 1/3rd of modern govt and stop chasing projects…because they exist to justify their job but not be essential. Surely if soccer was such a big deal a private company would have made it a business. Surely if cyclists or joggers or walkers cared enough they would made it happen.
