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patricknett t1_iwt16mi wrote

To anyone that thinks “I don’t want to give money to employers forcing their employees to work”

I represent Thai Express. We don’t force our employees to work. We give them the option to work and make more money. We provide bonuses and we all know very well that tips are much higher on holidays. If we have enough interest, we open. If not, we close.

Please don’t assume all businesses force their employees to do anything. That mentality hurts businesses that aren’t doing anything like that at all.


sgf-guy t1_iwtl97d wrote

I worked in an industry that didn’t stop regardless of the holiday….reduced staffing generally. Most opted out, some chose to work for reasons…some worked for holiday pay…Honestly some people would rather work for better than average pay than feel alone on a holiday.

Most any job or career you have to work on a holiday is pretty obvious from the start. I was there for two decades. So was most of my immediate family. We’ve moved days a few time…it’s not always the day but the event…and a day or two before after is not the worst thing.

Sadly there is a generation who views holidays as forced labor suddenly being forced upon them. Totally not the case. I was already in a career before most of these folks were even in Kindergarten. I chose to work holidays for quick money while most of these posters will not have to work a holiday.


Zahille7 t1_ixodib8 wrote

Okay? No one asked for your opinion on the younguns


FatalPenguins t1_iwssqa5 wrote

If you're gonna dine out on Thanksgiving, for the love of god, tip those people generously.


notnotpegbundy t1_iwujg72 wrote

I am working Thanksgiving. I was given the option to do so for double time and a half. No one forced me. I’ll be home alone while my family is enjoying their thanksgiving dinner and plan on ordering out. It is what it is. I chose it, that money is too good to turn down.


Apprehensive-Wing894 t1_ix43tkw wrote

We ordered our meals last year from Flat Creek, we had covid and none of us felt like cooking, was pretty damn good.


Elios000 t1_ixb0oy3 wrote

Alamo is open as well


IntroVlady t1_iwum78m wrote

Worked as a server for decades, we were never given an option to have the day off, never any holiday pay. My experiences inform my decision to detest open restauants on major holidays.


Tiny_Fly_7397 t1_iwqwe8l wrote

I prefer not to give my money to employers that make their staff work on holidays


Always_0421 t1_iwqyiov wrote

When I was in college, i was a server and absolutely LOVED working thanksgiving...., people were more friendly than normal (gracious for you being open), the restaurant catered a really nice meal for employees, our base wage was increased, and most importantly, the tips were CRAZY good.


the_honeyman t1_iwsq6h2 wrote

Same. I always volunteered for holidays. Double time and a half ftw!


lady_guard t1_iwu1plf wrote

Yes! My family is estranged from one another and does nothing for the holidays. I was always the first to volunteer, because otherwise I'd be sitting at home on the couch lusting over the Thanksgiving meals everyone else posts on social media. Usually work would cater in Thanksgiving food, and time-and-a-half never hurts. Now I have a significant other and his family has multiple Thanksgiving meals, so I'm at the other side of the spectrum trying to get multiple days off haha.


robzilla71173 t1_iwrciaq wrote

I grew up with friends that didn't celebrate holidays, or didn't celebrate the same holidays. They were happy to get paid double time. Even now I have a coworker who chooses to work Thanksgiving week while we're off, she collects overtime, then takes NEXT Thursday off instead.