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sr20rocket t1_iwzbjbm wrote

I believe OTC does motorcycle safety courses. That might be a good place to stsrt.


Wyraticus OP t1_iwzbmr5 wrote

I thought they just did that exemption/one time test thing unless I’m looking at the wrong thing


VaderTower t1_ixaybvi wrote

Having taken it, people in the class were all over. People who have been riding 20 years without an endorsement (and finally got caught). Down to, I'm pretty sure this 80 year old has never been on even a bicycle.

You start on with motors off for at least an hour pushing the damn thing around.

I'm confident your average 12 year old could get their license and familiarity after those 3 days.


RexNettleton t1_ix09ix6 wrote

That’s the course I took and it definitely increased my confidence in a motorcycle. But even still, I spent a year riding neighborhoods before my confidence was ready for riding in traffic