Submitted by Wyraticus t3_yzdr4v in springfieldMO

I’ve been interested in getting into riding motorcycles and wanted to know if there’s any local resources or anything that can help me learn. I’ll be honest I haven’t done any bike riding since I was a kid so I might end up getting a bicycle for the time being to get back into some type of groove. Thanks in advance, y’all.



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sr20rocket t1_iwzbjbm wrote

I believe OTC does motorcycle safety courses. That might be a good place to stsrt.


PatricksAce t1_iwzfgrd wrote

Fully agree. I had little motorcycle knowledge and took it. It really helped and gave me good practice strategies to get better!

Plus it gives you the endorsement at the end if you pass. The instructors were super chill but also took it seriously.


savtheseer t1_iwznxdr wrote

Checkout the Missouri Motorcycle Safety Program. Several levels of training, they give you a motorcycle to practice on too.


tc65681 t1_iwztdou wrote

Be sure to pass on the shoulder, change out exhaust to make it as loud as you can, weave in between cars and do wheelies down the road- then you will fit right in with the crotch rocket riders around here


JonnyG24 t1_iwzxz6l wrote

Also make sure to let everyone else know that you ride on 2 wheels in a 4 wheel world. All drivers need to take extra precaution to watch out for you because you choose to ride a motorcycle.


WhoGoddy t1_ix0230v wrote

I believe it is and it's hosted by OTC. It's definitely the official one that counts toward your riding test. All you have to do to get your endorsement after this class is take the written test.


WendyArmbuster t1_ix03mtg wrote

I agree with this. I learned things I never would have picked up on myself, like where to look in a corner, where your hands are applying pressure in a turn, and how to turn harder in an emergency. I had ridden dirt bikes for years, and it wasn't until I took this course that I realized I didn't really understand the physics of motorcycles.


Stonkatron69 t1_ix049pf wrote

Great group of people that meet up down at eaglestop on battlefield will take you under their wing and teach you proper riding skills. Great way to meet people in the city that share the same passion for riding! Don’t listen to the haters that talk shit on the “crotch rocket riders” there are always bad apples but the community is diverse and accepting, you’ll find your people.

No set meet up times. Anything 60•+ and 5pm+ you’ll more than likely see some bikes parked out front. Stop by, chat, and ride!


RexNettleton t1_ix09ix6 wrote

That’s the course I took and it definitely increased my confidence in a motorcycle. But even still, I spent a year riding neighborhoods before my confidence was ready for riding in traffic


Wyraticus OP t1_ix0s0kq wrote

Thank you guys I’ll be looking into those courses! Appreciate it.


Wendypeffy t1_ix28sxw wrote

I have a CB 300 I can sell you if you are looking for starter bike. I bought it over the summer and with my new job I just can’t ride it much and it needs a more attentive owner :/


Jmajisty t1_ix2w8ym wrote

So y do you say ALL croch rocket riders are “ bad apples” sounds like a typical ignorant s.o.b thing to say w/0 even knowing the people riding them it’s people like you that make this world full of hate amongst one another why don’t you quit assuming and start learning you might be a happy person .


Jmajisty t1_ix2x3ud wrote

Stankatron or whatever lol


VaderTower t1_ixaybvi wrote

Having taken it, people in the class were all over. People who have been riding 20 years without an endorsement (and finally got caught). Down to, I'm pretty sure this 80 year old has never been on even a bicycle.

You start on with motors off for at least an hour pushing the damn thing around.

I'm confident your average 12 year old could get their license and familiarity after those 3 days.