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Setter_sws t1_ix0iwhj wrote

I am totally fine with this. The homeless situation on commercial is nothing compared to downtown now. Anything south of downtown is just vape shops carwashes and strip malls...


pariscoffeeflowers t1_ix23xie wrote

Yes to this! I live near Commercial and I used to live downtown. It’s a night and day difference. It’s so peaceful and quiet in my neighborhood.


insertsnamehere- t1_ix0upcm wrote

Hey now. Were not all bad up here. Plus it's always eventful when you drive around you never know what kind of show youll get😂


GuySpringfield t1_ix4auqh wrote

You can pretty much bet that the rapping guy will be on Kansas Expressway giving a 5 star performance to his cellphone though.


Virulence93 t1_ix4fvmz wrote

My husband and I have given him the name Mr Dancey. I haven't seen him in a while though 😂


GrilledAbortionMeat t1_ix0ld8l wrote

It's the only part of Springfield worth going to. Much better than the retail hellscape that is south Springfield.


Dbol504 t1_ix0kmgo wrote

When you grow up a Kickapoo kid in the 90s Springfield stopped at sunshine on the north and glenstone on the east side.


PalPubPull t1_ix0uyj5 wrote

Grew up as a Kickapoo kid around that time, can confirm.

Exceptions - Haunted houses, Springfield 8, Nature center, Killian and Lake Country sports complexes, Christmas parade, Dickerson Park zoo, the fair


Comma-toast t1_ix0xe40 wrote

Did the nature center move? I'm pretty sure it's south Springfield by 60 and Glenstone Edit: typo


PalPubPull t1_ix0ycl8 wrote

It's east of Glenstone

Edit: You're not wrong it is still at that location. But that location is East of Glenstone


robzilla71173 t1_ix5zu72 wrote

You never left your own school district? That's kind of boring.


Dbol504 t1_ix7xnc3 wrote

What did a bunch of teenagers need to do downtown in the 90s before it was revitalized or on Kearney street other than get in trouble? We were fine playing our Super Nintendo games at all night sleepovers. I don’t feel like I missed anything.


TheAssViolator t1_ix0o7eh wrote

Funny, that's how the rest of Missouri feels about Springfield lol


tlw31415 t1_ix0qapz wrote

Kansas would like a word


TheAssViolator t1_ix1dttt wrote

Kansas isn't that bad. Arkansas on the other hand, I think we can all agree should have have border patrol posted up


Stonkatron69 OP t1_ix0ysil wrote

This is a valid sentiment. It’s a shithole out here sometimes


TheAssViolator t1_ix1e5vc wrote

Springfield made me hate moving Missouri. Kansas City redeemed Missouri for me.

Springfield honestly would be pretty fucking awesome if it wasn't for the fucking corrupt politicians and city council that keep fucking over the city.


MappingClouds t1_ix1iwm2 wrote

It’s not the city council. It’s the chamber that picks the council and senior department heads


TheAssViolator t1_ix2pium wrote

I stand corrected but the sentiment is the same. Now I know I can direct my disdain towards the chamber


budtoast t1_ix3lave wrote

Imagine if you came TO Springfield to escape an even crappier place in Missouri. This place is better than what I’ve been living with :/ sadly


Cloud_Disconnected t1_ix17ihk wrote

Heeeey....can I get a smoke from ya? And use your phone to call a cab? How bout some money, I ran out of gas, gotta pick up my sister's kids in 20 minutes.


WeekendElectronic475 t1_ix1j70o wrote

Had a man approach me with a “Hey, I just got out of jail and have no $$. Can I use your phone to call ___ or perhaps get a ride from you? I’ll follow you to your car to save effort!”…. I noped tf out of that one.


silk_lion t1_ix1e9bq wrote

I used to live in Texas and Division street. I had two dead bodies in my yard over a 3 year window, but I was never bothered otherwise lol


NickTheHero9192 t1_ix1kbys wrote

I’m new to the area and I was wondering what specific reasons I should avoid North Springfield?


chanjcoop t1_ix23ny8 wrote

North Springfield is fine in many areas. There’s Drury University, Springfield’s largest historic neighborhood Midtown, and Commercial Street. Some spots are quite rough, but south side snobs who are afraid of poor people tend to make it out to be much worse than it actually is. Much of it is definitely up-and-coming in the next few years.


socialistpizzaparty t1_ix39syq wrote

Live on the South Side, can confirm. Also folks here have a false sense of security and do stupid things and act surprised.

“How dare someone steal stuff out my garage I left open all day!? For shame’”

“I can’t believe someone would steal my valuables from an unlocked car? What is this town coming too!?”


Zahille7 t1_ixoc5xt wrote

Those are the same people who like to complain about how Springfield is just like the big city nowadays.

Lol, no, Melissa, you have absolutely no fucking clue what the big city is like. Bumper-to-bumper traffic, at least half the day that you have to plan your day around, as well as many many more homeless people and actual camps, a pretty high crime rate, noise, pollution, etc.... These people have no clue.


ungovernablemushroom t1_ix1otno wrote

North Springfield is a much lower income area, and because industry and development favors the South side, it just keeps getting worse… which leads to a lot of social problems like crime, drug abuse, homelessness, etc. The person who made this meme is presumably fortunate enough not to be affected by these issues.


Gqyoshi t1_ix2eew2 wrote

Maybe it's the bad apples who ruin it for you folks on the North side. Industry and development don't want to build in places where druggies and bums are. The Northside has had that problem for a long time. It's smart to build where the money is, and it's not on the north side. It's not personal it's big business unfortunately.


robzilla71173 t1_ix63dzw wrote

You apparently don't work in manufacturing or tech. With the exception of jack Henry and part of SRC, virtually all of that is on the north side. The south side is more retail and medical than industry. You dont build factories where the money is. You build them where the skilled workers are. Nobody wants to put a science lab next to southern hills where the rich old maga farts live. They want it next to a university full of younger, more educated workers. I know from experience, it's where we're building ours.

Personally I find the weekly 'north side is full of poors so dont go north of...'' posts reassuring. It's nice to know the people who think this stuff will never be my neighbor.


G0alLineFumbles t1_ix51fws wrote

People just keep moving further south also. All of Springfield is too close to poor neighborhoods to have any one area be a good area. At this point all of the upper middle class millennials I know are fleeing or have fled to the surrounding towns. Nixa, Ozark, Republic, Rogersville. No one wants their kids in SPS.


ShartsvilleDestroyer t1_ix8j0dh wrote

>Springfield is too close to poor neighborhoods to have any one area be a good area.

Are you saying that poor people make neighborhoods "bad?" I really hope that's not what you're saying.


KitKatTheFox t1_ix1om5c wrote

I currently live in North Springfield...didn't know it was a bad area but then again I've been mainly spending time in my friend's house trying to get used to the colder fall/winter climate. I just moved here from California over the summer.


Zahille7 t1_ixocfwp wrote

Have fun on your first couple years here. It's quite a change. I'm from SoCal myself.


techguyjohn t1_ix3rmwq wrote

While there are many good pockets in north Springfield, watch/read the news and you'll notice shootings/killings and other crimes happen more on the northwest side of town. I would say it's more north of Grand rather than Chestnut, to include downtown.


G0alLineFumbles t1_ix51lhv wrote

Grand between Sunshine and Chestnut is a very rough area.


MotherofaPickle t1_ix8azdh wrote

Must be, since all of those roads run parallel to each other.


G0alLineFumbles t1_ix8igwi wrote

Yep, mixed up Grand and Grant. I event went to Hillcrest which is on Grant. Still mess up the name of those streets.


Conscious_Ad7105 t1_ixii102 wrote

The way I keep those two straight is that Grant was a Civil War general, where the north fought the south. Grant then runs north and south so Grand must run east and west.


robzilla71173 t1_ix63z3t wrote

Always seemed to me that most violent crime in Springfield is downtown or along a western corridor around scenic and bypass. And I assure you the problems on the west side extend further south than grand.


Tupelo72 t1_ix0z3tu wrote

Don't forget the holler.


[deleted] t1_ix1pcia wrote



igolikethis t1_ix1rdej wrote

Sorta? It's the area over around Bypass and Mt Vernon-Chestnut. Some parts are definitely worse than others lol. Like I grew up on Page off of Laurel street; houses are older but it's a chill, quiet area. Other parts are more, uh, entangled in meth and such.


telxonhacker t1_ix2e7mm wrote

Golden off of Grand, and the surrounding area was what we always called the holler. I knew someone who lived off of Page and Western, it always seemed like a chill area, but even they didn't go over to "the holler"


igolikethis t1_ix1rnhv wrote

Tbf, this was back in late 80s/early 90s so it could have run down in recent years. I don't venture much to that area of town these days.


i-touched-morrissey t1_ix3jnkw wrote

I lived in SGF for 6 months in 1993 down by the National Cemetery. It was a lovely old neighborhood. We never went north of Sunshine.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_ixdyh7e wrote

Love watching the city-limits folks argue north side vs south side like the county residents aren't laughing at you all living like peasants.


jaynovahawk07 t1_ixg9bb3 wrote

Is Chestnut to Springfield as Delmar is to St. Louis and Troost is to Kansas City?


Zahille7 t1_ixoczds wrote

Some fuckin elitists up in here. Goddamn.


TheRavensSkull t1_ix255ac wrote

Living north of division must be real bad then… damn it.


SkullKidd_13 t1_ix436tk wrote

I feel called out for being poor Dx


Sgthouse t1_ix0br74 wrote

Better than that gar hole just east of cherry/Glenstone


EpicMemorableName t1_ix1c60a wrote

Other than the apartments at 1855 Cherry, most of the area over there is full of really nice people.


Sgthouse t1_ixa9dsb wrote

That’s the one I was talking about, but there must be some touchy people that like the place.


Zahille7 t1_ixoctk9 wrote

I live in the building right next to that one. The building I live in was just renovated this summer so everything is still pretty new, like quiet close cabinets and fresh new wiring and such.

I live on the opposite side of the building from that other one, though, and I face Cherry, because some of the houses back behind seem a little shady.


samoan23 t1_ix0og9f wrote

I live in south Springfield
