Submitted by somehuman01 t3_z19fqt in springfieldMO

Hello, I’m looking for input on which hospital system to use and specific doctor recommendations for a OBGYN for a pregnant woman. Most of what I’ve read online says Mercy is the better hospital but I’m not familiar with either.

Thank you.



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Tabbycatt955 t1_ixa17ld wrote

Cox. I have doctor Matthew Weis and he’s amazing. Even before getting pregnant he’s takin all my concern’s seriously and found a lump in my left breast and sent me to the right people asap and got everything settled really smoothly. He’s been amazing since I got pregnant. He’s at the Turner center.


spunkypunk t1_ixay2k7 wrote

I believe I see his NP, Rebecca Hampton. She’s been wonderful and has talked highly of Dr Weis.


Tabbycatt955 t1_ixay717 wrote

I see her occasionally when he’s busy, or for smaller things. I really like her too.


socialistpizzaparty t1_ixcmguu wrote

Weis is great. My wife sees him and he does great work and really listened to his patients.


fphillips93 t1_ixa8sey wrote

GO TO COX!!!!!! Mercy is TERRIBLE.

Cox doesn’t feel like a prison. Mercy does. Cox has the doctors that listen to the patient and care. Mercy pushes their wants on you.

My wife and I JUST went through this in September. Had a Mercy OB the whoooooooole pregnancy and the OB and the hospital turned out to be Catholic Nazis “if you do not do what we say, we will do it anyways.” They stuck my wife 23 times trying to find a spot to put her spinal block in, after she told them after the 3rd stick to stop. They wouldn’t stop. I told them to go find someone more competent to do their job, and they went and got another guy who also couldn’t do the spinal block. He tried another 5 needles, for a total of 28 needles. They had her in the back operating room for over 2 hours, forcing her to continue to be stuck with needles. She was having a panic attack because they kept trying to force her to go under general anesthesia. They FINALLY let her go after she started screaming she wanted to see our daughter, who is 2 and was waiting in the delivery room for her. She came back, couldn’t breathe well, her BP was up, she was overwhelmed.
The OBGYN was Charles Albritton. He’s a shitty, egotistical OB and should have his license pulled. The anesthesiologist was Quico (we call him Quacko because he “does 2000 of these a year” but couldn’t get it after 23 needles).

For the love of your child, GO TO COX. Mercy does NOT give a rat’s ass about you and your child. Mercy is not family-oriented. Cox also didn’t give us a pacifier as soon as the baby was born like Mercy did. (We had our daughter at Mercy in Jan 2020, our son at Cox Sept 2022). Cox was willing to do whatever my wife wanted. She went in the ER in active labor at 41 weeks, 5 days. Cox was fast. We went in at 1PM and our son was pulled from my wife’s womb by 9:07PM. We even had to wait for the OB on staff to do an emergency surgery for twins. My wife was in active labor at Mercy in 2020 for 22 hours and Albritton almost killed my wife and daughter. She had an emergency C section with our daughter because Albritton fucked up.


karana113 t1_ixagyc1 wrote

I've given birth at both, 6 years apart. Dr. Scarrow at Mercy was amazing.

Cox saved my preemie, cleft lip, heart defect, in the NICU for a month, baby's life. They knew exactly what they were doing, they kept him alive, and they were so kind to us as terrified parents.

I never experienced the Mercy NICU but if I had to choose again, it would be Cox.


CaptainCimmeria t1_ixazhk6 wrote

My mom worked in the NICU at Cox for years, they do really great work


karana113 t1_ixb1um2 wrote

Your mom may have saved my son's life, thank her for me.

Even if she wasn't there in 2018 I know she saved someone's baby so thank her for me anyway ❤️


BetterMakeAnAccount t1_ix9v6lu wrote

I’d go out of state if you can. Missouri will kill you if anything goes wrong, because “””””pro-life”””””


MotherofaPickle t1_ixa82bp wrote

Cox. Call Physicians for Women. They are wonderful.

Edit: Rooney is my OB. She’s great and her assistant (forget her name just now) is even more amazing!


KashiDoll t1_ixdaj6s wrote

Bailey! :)

I had Dr Rooney and Bailey for my pregnancy and birth in May 2022. As an older first time mom they were amazing with answering my questions and anything else I had worries about.

Highly recommend.


sexyusername762 t1_ixautet wrote

I've four babies at Cox, the last three of them with Dr Duff at the Turner Center and she is simply amazing. I believe she specializes in high risk pregnancies and is simply the best. She cares so much about her Moms and their babies in the most practical ways. Highly recommend her. I've never delivered at Mercy (and never will, thanks to a tubal ligation she performed for me after the fourth, right at the height of Covid), but the two friends of mine who have delivered there were less than happy with their overall care, and one almost died and had to be re-hospotalized after they discharged despite her reports of her symptoms.


ilikecandypumpkins t1_ixayyd6 wrote

I don’t have a strong opinion on Mercy vs Cox. I’ve always just gone with whichever worked with my insurance at the time.

If you go with Mercy, Dr. Lehnert is a very good OBGYN! He delivered my niece and will also deliver my baby. There was a rare complication during my niece’s birth. He reacted quickly and my sister had nothing but positive things to say about his care.


syvania t1_ixb0aji wrote

I also had Dr. Lehnert and it a great experience. He was very easy to work with my whole pregnancy and I couldn't have asked for a better delivery. The nurses were great too. Even when I was hospitalized for complications at 35 weeks, they took excellent care of me. 10/10 experience.


bobone77 t1_ixbpvk1 wrote

I’ll second this. Had 2 kids with Lehnert and my wife loves him. Recommends him to anybody looking for OBGYN.


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_ix9sqzg wrote

I personally used Mercy. The doctor that delivered me was not my obgyn and was absolutely horrible! So make sure your ob has a backup doctor in case so you don’t get a random doctor. Since then I haven’t had luck with any Mercy obgyn other than a gyn-oncologist, I’m with one at Cox and he’s great.


VictoryTheScreech t1_ixawb78 wrote

As someone who works for Cox, I’d choose Cox lol. We have a lot of people switch from Mercy to Cox, and I’ve heard how horrible Mercy is in a lot of areas of care


MotherofaPickle t1_ixa83vg wrote

Cox. Call Physicians for Women. They are wonderful.


pizza1sgr8 t1_ix9sc1h wrote

Cox- Dr. Daphne LeMon.


Shadow11Wolf50 t1_ix9t6oa wrote

My gf had a good experience with Mercy when giving birth to our daughter, but I personally have had zero good experiences with Mercy any time ive needed medical attention and ended up there. Any time Ive had a choice, I'd go to Cox for care as Ive had better luck and they listen to me. Mercy is also a catholic hospital if that is anyway a factor for you. However, I have never been pregnant so I cannot rate either hospitals care on that aspect, only my personal bias.


strangePie69 t1_ix9uii3 wrote

Cox - Dr Courtney Wiese is my favorite


throwawaykibbetype2 t1_ix9z39r wrote

Weise literally missed that I had preeclampsia and didn't urine test me at my late 36/37 week appointments and was on vacation like 3 times during my pregnancy, and when I got induced at the hospital she was supposed to be on call but instead they had 1 Dr for all of l&d running around trying to take care of everybody. I would go with mercy personally.


kingofnicks t1_ixavpux wrote

Dr Ting is the best obgyn through cox. Listened and helped my wife through an extremely difficult pregnancy and delivery. Pregnant with #2 and he is just as great!


gigermuse t1_ixaewqr wrote

12 years ago I had amazing aftercare at Mercy, delivery not as amazing but that was due to my Asshole OBGYN. They offered room service 24/7 and allowed me to rest. Cox the delivery 8 years ago was better(different shitty OBGYN) but horrible aftercare. I had been in the delivery room since 6am delivery was about 1pm would NOT bring me any food until dinner rounds, told me they though there was a vending machine a few floors down or I could order delivery from someplace. I got a UTI from Cox. I was able to get my tubes tied from Cox however. Shitty OBGYN: Matthew Ting & Sara Dudda they can both go disappear as far as I'm concerned.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_ixas7ne wrote

I’ve had two at Mercy. First time was with Wolf who completely dismissed some of my concerns. I wound up being induced with preeclampsia at 40+1, saw her briefly that night (Thursday) and never saw her again until my six-week follow up, despite having to stay longer in the hospital and not being released until late Monday afternoon. I’ve since had a Mercy nurse familiar with the OBs tell me that Wolf is known for “sweeping things under the rug” but if you go for a Mercy OB, Stanzyck is a good one. Second time I went through the midwives, which I loved. It was a great experience and I always felt listened to. Not planning on another but if I did, I’d probably go through the midwives again as it’s a good blend of medical but not super medical. However, Mercy also just almost killed me a few weeks ago down in the ER, so quite frankly I’d say just stick with Cox. I’ve heard a lot of good things about their L&D overall, and my sister’s had two there and liked it.


jerry1deadhead t1_ixd426o wrote

I have no recommendations for a doc. I work at Mercy and would recommend going to Cox though.


somehuman01 OP t1_ix9xtyj wrote

Someone my wife knows just recommended Dr. McCall to her


eva-cybele t1_ixa8vs5 wrote

I had an excellent experience delivering at Cox, though my short stay afterwards was not the best. My obgyn was not my favorite though, so no recommendations there.

I've heard tubal ligations are hard to get at Mercy if that's on the table, fyi.


Sally_twodicks t1_ixakn3n wrote

I went to Cox during the pandemic and thought they did an amazing job.


WaywardDeadite t1_ixcgt6g wrote

Cox 100%. I've had babies at both hospitals. Mercy treated me like garbage. Cox saved my life and my baby. Dr. Matthew Weis is a saint. The doctor at Mercy gave me an episiotomy after I said no and I had serious issues after that. At Cox, my son got stuck with shoulder distotia. Dr. Weis had extra nurses in the room because he knew it was likely to happen. They jumped on top of me, rotated his shoulders, and he came out. If that didn't work I would have had an emergency surgery or they would've broken his collar bone.


oletrickysleeves t1_ix9uqh3 wrote

You can tour both facilities beforehand to see which is a better fit for you and your wants. I went with Mercy and Dr. Albritton, he’s a younger dude (younger like 30s) and was hella chill and kind. Answered all my questions and came to check up on me and baby after the delivery in the recovery unit. He’s who I’ll be sticking with for kid #2.


fphillips93 t1_ixa99kb wrote

Albritton almost killed my wife and my daughter in 2020 with his fucking ego and tried to do it again in September this year with my son. Fuck Albritton. I wish he would have met pavement at Disney in August, in front of his wife and kids. He’s a punk ass bitch.


22TopShelf22 t1_ixbtlvo wrote

Wait a minute. He fucked up and then you thought it was a good idea to go back? Confused here


fphillips93 t1_ixc53k7 wrote

Yah, we didn’t find out until much later what actually happened when we got my wife’s medical records. It’s a long fuckin’ story. We filed a complaint with the hospital and got an attorney and some more shit over all this shit. It’s all on-going. That OB and Mercy are shit.


fphillips93 t1_ixa9e9b wrote

We had him for baby #1 and went back for baby #2. Never again will I recommend that fuck to any human being who wishes to have their child in a safe, non-threatening, non-forceful environment. He needs to take his ass back to Louisiana.


Krodous t1_ixb81vk wrote

2 kids born at Cox, and 2 at Mercy. In 2022, I would say probably Cox they even have an upgraded facility for it


hushabyesecret t1_ixg8uqk wrote

I have Dr. Wortherspoon at Mercy and she was nice and answered all of my questions. However my labor was horrible. They induced me at 38 weeks because my son had failed an ultrasound test. I didn't want to be induced, but I was afraid so I let them do it. DO NOT MAKE THAT MISTAKE! They also checked me by just ramming their hands all up in there and decided that I was failing to progress past a 5 and said I needed a C Section and an epidural which were both things I didn't want.

My son was okay and we immediately switched his pediatrician to Cox. Wherever you go, do NOT let the doctors bully you. I regret listening to them.


ManlyVanLee t1_ix9tnf1 wrote

If they are pregnant they already experienced one of them! Hey-oh!

(unless of course in vitro fertilization was utilized)

(also I have no idea I have no insurance and am beyond poor so hospitals are not one of my extravagances. I'll be in debt for all of eternity because I had a COVID heart attack and am now obscenely in debt but the good news is I'll likely be dead before they can collect it all)


dmmagic t1_ixb04mq wrote

We've had 3 kids with Dr. Jennifer Wolf at Mercy and great experiences every time. All natural, C-section, and VBAC induced with epidural. My wife also had 2 ectopics and a few miscarriages over the years.

Dr. Wolf and the staff there were always great, and our experience in the hospital was pretty good too. No major complaints other than that they failed to diagnose lip and tongue ties on our kids. After the first, we made it a practice to go straight to Cash Orthodontics after leaving the hospital.

As others have said, there are other OBs at Mercy who aren't as good (or so we've heard). But Dr. Wolf was great, and so were our nurses.


bre_huh t1_ixbdo7g wrote

Cox, 100%


Celestial_Stargazer t1_ixcp0r1 wrote

My last 2 have been delivered at Mercy. 1st was a great experience, 2nd wasn't the worst..but, also not the best. I saw Dr Wolf. She used to be an amazing Dr, but she's gotten such a patient load these days that you barely ever see her. I do NOT like that. I want to know the Dr who is delivering my baby, not a bunch of NPs. Mercy hospital itself would be my choice over Cox as Cox nearly killed both me and my daughter because the Dr and nurses all have a my way or the highway attitude. My daughter's head had been born when the Dr came in to deliver her, and she SHOVED my daughters head back into my body. This caused fluid to be forced into my daughters lungs and caused me to hemorrhage. Then, a few hours later, the nurses took my daughter to the nurses station and refused to allow me to nurse her, hold her, and they also gave her NO food or water for 10 HOURS till my daughter stopped breathing. ( all because her temp was a little low right after I had literally JUST changed her clothes) She was then revived and shipped off to the NICU where they were certain she had a virus of some sort and wouldn't let me hold or touch her. When they finally let me hold her it was because they thought she was going to die. As soon as I held her close he vitals started improving in record time. Oh...and the " virus" they were certain about..yeah...just some fluid in her lung which she needed to BREATH out. Aka...had they left her in my care in my room to cuddle and nurse she would have been just fine. But no..they thought they were God and almost killed her. I will NEVER trust Cox with another baby...ever. I'd squat in a field and birth by myself before giving them even a second with my child. They are 100% incompetent.


malevolentk t1_ixd50s4 wrote

I had great experiences with Dr Stanczyk at mercy - enough to the point I have hesitated switching hospital systems despite disliking all other doctors there

However- if there are no health concerns for mother or baby I would go to Missouri Midwifery if I were to have another

My first was with a midwife and it was an amazing experience


mcdrunkin t1_ixd6trk wrote

If Cox is anything like the one in Branson try a sewer, maybe a rat will teach your baby karate.


renny065 t1_ixe8yvd wrote

I’ve had babies at both hospitals, and both were wonderful. I loved that everyone gets a private room at Mercy, but Cox may now do that also (though they didn’t back when I had my first two babies). Either way, we received excellent care at both hospitals. I absolutely think the food is better at Mercy, but that’s obviously subjective. There will always be negative anecdotal experiences about both, as there are bad eggs anywhere. But overall, you’re going to get excellent care in Springfield. The bigger consideration is finding a good doctor you gel with, and insurance usually limits choices somewhat. Concentrate on the choice of doctor first, and the rest will fall into place.