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Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr4lqe wrote

I thought it was going to be a funny page like "People of Walmart" only it's not, if they disagree with you or vise versa than they'll post your address,job and stalk/harass you for 5 mins of fame.


the_honeyman t1_ixr7arj wrote

"People of Walmart" is the exact same toxic shit. Making fun of people who have very real problems.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr7skw wrote

I didn't see that way because I was ignorant but you opened my mind and eyes. Thank you.


the_honeyman t1_ixr8xie wrote

Good on you for being open to realizing that. Even though it took you being abused in the same way.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixralwk wrote

It definitely took me being abused to realize how toxic the internet truly is, that was the first FB group I joined ever and people went as far as stalking my friend's FB for a picture of me and found one of me at her kid's 1st Birthday party, the child was in the pictures that was being shared. My friend was very upset with me at first but she's reasonable and told me that those people are nuts and to stay off those groups because they'll not only stalk me but my family and friends.


Eastern_Sort_9834 t1_ixuy21g wrote

Didn’t you harrass so many people while you were admin on that group? It was fine when you were in control and bullying, harassing and stalking people and their families. I remember no one posting a child besides you. You posted peoples wives and dead relatives to prove your wrong points… If we are going by definition you are the biggest bully on the internet Catherine… You said the group was satire was you viciously harrased, body shamed and stalked so many people. You invaded them. They fought back. You can not handle the embarrassment so you made this post.


[deleted] t1_ixr7tqz wrote



the_honeyman t1_ixr91ke wrote

"We're going to be massive assholes and make fun of people who really just need help."

Thanks for letting the rest of us know who you really are.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr8v2j wrote

People don't follow rules about irl. Someone literally posted my address and where I work because I had a different opinion, the rules even state "But attacking anyone irl, including employment, property, or family is expressly off limits"... Also the page has nothing to do with anything around Springfield but more of bullying people around Springfield. Like the women in line at the gas station who had cellulite on her legs, that was classless. You know how many people have a mother,wife and or daughters that have cellulite? Tasteless and not funny unless your miserable and wanna feel better about yourself than why bully someone simply waiting in line?


[deleted] t1_ixrtval wrote



Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixruhpi wrote

You kicked me out of the group besides that I rather shit in my hands and clap than ever be apart of that cesspool of miserable degenerates.. I took Reddit's advice and deactivated my FB. I rather not be dragged all over your group again and doxxed ALL OVER AGAIN.


the_honeyman t1_ixrv2c8 wrote

Yo if that's personal info report that shit. The mods here will ban for that shit.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixryc0l wrote

Actually false, they'll ban you first than make fun of you for even thinking about getting upset and asking an admin to delete stuff. At that point it's doxxing. Especially when they dig through my friend's FB to steal a photo of me and her son on his 1st birthday. That page is toxic, they're not your "friends".


the_honeyman t1_ixsojwa wrote

I'm talking about here. The person who responded with what looked like initials in this thread.