Submitted by Emergency_Beat_600 t3_z4if77 in springfieldMO

I'm sure plenty of people are aware of the Facebook group "WTF Springfield!" A group that has become unsafe, people are doxing one another, posting addresses, messaging jobs and bullying random people around Springfield, Mo. Some people will literally stalk your Facebook page, I had someone help show me how to put my profile on private but still people know each other and are cruel enough to share my information for 5 mins of fame just because they can.

What do you guys think? I came here because people are more reasonable with their answers vs. doxing me for simply bringing up facts like how the group is becoming dangerous.



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[deleted] t1_ixr0xjk wrote



Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr47ym wrote

Honestly you're right, Facebook itself is toxic.


[deleted] t1_ixr4djz wrote



Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_ixrjimi wrote

I don't think it's that Facebook itself is inherently toxic. Like drugs it can indeed be a useful tool but only when used correctly and moderation being key. I only use Facebook myself to communicate with people I need to communicate with and to share motivational/advice type stuff with those who are a part of my life. But it stops there. I do my best to always remain mindful of what I'm doing if I am on Facebook. If I find myself scrolling at all in an unhealthy manner I will exit and turn the app off for the time being. But yes the vast majority of the population would find dramatic increases to their mental health after cessation of use of Facebook entirely. Facebook and even phones themselves have before and still do/are forms of addiction in my experience. That's coming from my perspective tho as a recovered poly substance addict and recovered heroin fentanyl addict of 5ish years and have been sober for 3 this spring.


Goge97 t1_ixsl63t wrote

Congratulations on your sobriety! I gave up Facebook in general several years ago, largely because of the aftermath of the 2016 election.

We only have family groups set up on Messenger.

I'm pretty happy with that. No Tik-Tok or Twitter either.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_ixsys9p wrote

Thank you for the kind words my friend. I always appreciate them no matter who they come from. And indeed I am quite happy with my progress and where I am at and am currently going towards in life. Best thing about hitting rock bottom is that there is NOWHERE else to go except UP.


22TopShelf22 t1_ixtoj9h wrote

Congrats! Happy for you and 3 years!!! Keep it up!!


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_ixv6qdr wrote

Thank you friend. I certainly intend to keep it up, for the rest of my days. Thank you again.


snorlaxatives_69 t1_ixrdj17 wrote

Report first. Then ditch Facebook. This is a really shitty thing and I'm afraid to go check if I'm on there


sikki_nixx t1_ixrr2rp wrote

Yep. Did so 10 years ago. Literally 1 of the top 5 best decisions of my life.


the_honeyman t1_ixr2bk7 wrote

I'm more surprised people didn't realize a group dedicated towards making fun of people having problems or mental issues was only ever going to be toxic as fuck.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr4lqe wrote

I thought it was going to be a funny page like "People of Walmart" only it's not, if they disagree with you or vise versa than they'll post your address,job and stalk/harass you for 5 mins of fame.


the_honeyman t1_ixr7arj wrote

"People of Walmart" is the exact same toxic shit. Making fun of people who have very real problems.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr7skw wrote

I didn't see that way because I was ignorant but you opened my mind and eyes. Thank you.


the_honeyman t1_ixr8xie wrote

Good on you for being open to realizing that. Even though it took you being abused in the same way.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixralwk wrote

It definitely took me being abused to realize how toxic the internet truly is, that was the first FB group I joined ever and people went as far as stalking my friend's FB for a picture of me and found one of me at her kid's 1st Birthday party, the child was in the pictures that was being shared. My friend was very upset with me at first but she's reasonable and told me that those people are nuts and to stay off those groups because they'll not only stalk me but my family and friends.


Eastern_Sort_9834 t1_ixuy21g wrote

Didn’t you harrass so many people while you were admin on that group? It was fine when you were in control and bullying, harassing and stalking people and their families. I remember no one posting a child besides you. You posted peoples wives and dead relatives to prove your wrong points… If we are going by definition you are the biggest bully on the internet Catherine… You said the group was satire was you viciously harrased, body shamed and stalked so many people. You invaded them. They fought back. You can not handle the embarrassment so you made this post.


[deleted] t1_ixr7tqz wrote



the_honeyman t1_ixr91ke wrote

"We're going to be massive assholes and make fun of people who really just need help."

Thanks for letting the rest of us know who you really are.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr8v2j wrote

People don't follow rules about irl. Someone literally posted my address and where I work because I had a different opinion, the rules even state "But attacking anyone irl, including employment, property, or family is expressly off limits"... Also the page has nothing to do with anything around Springfield but more of bullying people around Springfield. Like the women in line at the gas station who had cellulite on her legs, that was classless. You know how many people have a mother,wife and or daughters that have cellulite? Tasteless and not funny unless your miserable and wanna feel better about yourself than why bully someone simply waiting in line?


[deleted] t1_ixrtval wrote



Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixruhpi wrote

You kicked me out of the group besides that I rather shit in my hands and clap than ever be apart of that cesspool of miserable degenerates.. I took Reddit's advice and deactivated my FB. I rather not be dragged all over your group again and doxxed ALL OVER AGAIN.


the_honeyman t1_ixrv2c8 wrote

Yo if that's personal info report that shit. The mods here will ban for that shit.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixryc0l wrote

Actually false, they'll ban you first than make fun of you for even thinking about getting upset and asking an admin to delete stuff. At that point it's doxxing. Especially when they dig through my friend's FB to steal a photo of me and her son on his 1st birthday. That page is toxic, they're not your "friends".


the_honeyman t1_ixsojwa wrote

I'm talking about here. The person who responded with what looked like initials in this thread.


DaddyToadsworth t1_ixr02zp wrote

That group is incredibly toxic. I left after someone justified not tipping delivery drivers because "I'M A ROOFER AND I DON'T GET NO TIPS"


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr0de5 wrote

Definitely super toxic, very backwards people. Classless not to tip a delivery driver or anyone who does a service for someone.


drsideburns t1_ixr4gr2 wrote

I hate the tipping system, too, but I’m not a jerk so I tip or don’t ask for delivery. My choice 🤷🏼‍♂️


DaddyToadsworth t1_ixr64sn wrote

Roofers clear a lot more than a DD driver, that was really my biggest issue with it. Dude is living comfortably but can't spare $2 for a tip.


Famous-Knowledge-722 t1_ixs2pjw wrote

I have even tipped my plumber and I know he makes six figures…. Has nothing to do with my appreciation for his service!


macbeth1608 t1_ixrbni9 wrote

i joined it thinking it would be a parody page and then i realized that mike hickman was one of the admins on it and knew that it was a fucking mess so i left. it’s a shitty page, i agree. i thought it would be funny but instead it’s all trash.


QuarterInchSocket t1_ixrg2xk wrote

I went to high school with that piece of shit.


macbeth1608 t1_ixrkkhz wrote

LMAO i’m so sorry then i can’t imagine how insufferable he was as a teenager considering how terrible he is now


indeliblethicket t1_ixrp6a3 wrote

That page is one part poverty porn, two parts bully, and three parts nothing better to do than post poverty porn and bully anyone who shows a glimmer of ethics.


Iron_Worker_ t1_ixr9kzu wrote

That group is a cesspool. Mostly people making fun of homeless and addicts.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrbq8j wrote

They made fun of an elderly woman who won a free bike giveaway, they called her fat and said that there's no way she'd ride it. No one is safe unfortunately, addicts, homeless, overweight and not even the grandmas are safe from their cruelty.


ProgressMom68 t1_ixsymcv wrote

You have to consider that there are a lot of people in Springfield who have never grown out of the high school mentality. Imagine having nothing better to do for a hobby than shitposting on Facebook. It’s sad.


Eastern_Sort_9834 t1_ixuyc4u wrote

Don’t be deceived by this post. The person who made this post is only mad they were kicked from admin and being apart of the group because THEY THEIRSELVES WERE HARASSING AND STALKING PEOPLES FAMILY AND CHILDREN. This post is just an attempt of saving theirselves from the embarrassment


dannyjbixby t1_ixr2alv wrote

Never heard of it until now. Could have guessed it was toxic based on it being a Facebook group.


Benway23 t1_ixr5qj6 wrote

Stay away from facebook.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixr6k6z wrote

Definitely going to look into deactivating it.


Benway23 t1_ixr6tk8 wrote

Best choice I made for my mental health.


the_honeyman t1_ixr7gkp wrote

It was good for me too, but now my job basically depends on me being connected to the greater artistic community, and nobody has developed a legitimate alternative yet.


Benway23 t1_ixr7r1t wrote

That part sucks, so many restaurants only use fb for menus and such.


Cold417 t1_ixrabbv wrote

Or...stay away from toxic groups & people. There are plenty of normal groups on Facebook that aren't cesspools.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrb782 wrote

That group shouldn't exist. Period. Anyone including yourself or family members could end up there.


Cold417 t1_ixrbo6g wrote

Ok? So why were you part of it?


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrc3pm wrote

Because I didn't realize the type of group it was until I commented a personal opinion and I was doxxed for it.


[deleted] t1_ixuysfh wrote



springfieldMO-ModTeam t1_ixvh54h wrote

Your post was remove because it violated the subreddit rules against Personal or Confidential Information.

Personally identifiable information about someone, whether or not they are a Redditor is prohibited.


Ozarkian_Tritip t1_ixsm4iw wrote

Fun fact , owner of the Missouri Mike's is the admin and creator of one of the groups.


misternotwonderful t1_ixtoxll wrote

Disappointing to know I've supported his business then. Thankfully it was trash and won't be back


karebearfetish t1_ixur9fd wrote

He is admin/owner of WTF springfield? In person he is a really nice guy. I can't imagine him being a part if that. I believe you but that is shocking


puck126 t1_ixrpc25 wrote

I'm on it, but I don't post anything. Just observe with my bag of popcorn. Best not draw any attention to myself with those toxic douche canoes.

Sorry you've been made a target by the classless individuals that haunt that group. Try and block what you can and with any luck they'll get bored and move on to something else.


drsideburns t1_ixr4yg4 wrote

People are going to be toxic wherever. I prefer Reddit over any Facebook groups simply because it doesn’t draw as many people


giftedgaia t1_ixuu899 wrote

This is reddit. Nobody cares about your facebook drama. Save your facebook drama for facebook.


Vivid_Minimum_6676 t1_ixrvs0z wrote

It be like that. However, considering the town it's no surprise.


UrLocalStag t1_ixspqg0 wrote

Should of got off Facebook and came to Reddit a long time ago. Facebook is just filling the addiction of those attention seekers.


lemler3 t1_ixtlhpk wrote

is facebook still a thing im sorry friend


karebearfetish t1_ixultws wrote

I can definitely agree with you about that group.. It is a group of people that absolutely love to judge others but dont look at themselves in the same light. At first i thought that group to be kinda cool, then i seen exactly how many Chads and Karens really are around and how quick most people are to troll one another. But guaranteed they wouldn't have the balls to say half the stuff they do to someone's face, or if they did they would be quick to call the cops. Its pathetic


Shawdow3 t1_ixu59su wrote

Literal first thought. I'm stupid. I wish 🙏. I am too. Absolute.


Alternative-Agent437 t1_ixunhke wrote

So it’s okay to bash mike on here while talking about how the website is crappy for bashing people please explain.


Heil_Hipster t1_ixry111 wrote

Just get off Facebook. There is no actual need to be on there. And if you can't do that, may as well just make a throw away account that you can be that Facebook group with that is not actually connected to you.

For you could leave the group.

Or you could just only lurk and never say anything so that no one is ever interested enough in you to make you a target


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixryfid wrote

I rather shit in my hands and clap.


Heil_Hipster t1_ixrymo1 wrote

Which option are you referring to?


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixryyki wrote

The one where I shit in my hands in clap, I'll take that option than ever have anything to do with that group.


Heil_Hipster t1_ixrz6a8 wrote

OK so then what do you care? Why bitch about this group on reddit?


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixs1yuw wrote

Obviously you're probably one of those classless and tasteless people in that group, I'm already aware that my post was put in that group. That's how badly y'all want 5 minutes of fame.


Heil_Hipster t1_ixs25fe wrote

I don't really go on Facebook anymore actually. Not only that, but I am not even on Reddit enough to know what post you're talking about


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixs3dhy wrote

Then why are you so hateful?


Heil_Hipster t1_ixs4kkx wrote

I never said anything hateful. Just recommended that if something is making you sad just stay away from it.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixs685k wrote

It's not making me sad though, where did you get that from? I was literally doxxed, I'm pissed that my address and job was posted.


Heil_Hipster t1_ixs6kf1 wrote

I mean that's fair. I'd be pissed too. But I wasn't being hateful to you. They were.


Eastern_Sort_9834 t1_ixuzdys wrote

Do not be fooled the person who made this post used to be admin and do the same very things they are speaking out against. They harassed peoples families, their children and even their dead family members. People who can not even defend theirselves. All because someone said something against their bullying or harassment. Most of the people were fed up with their constant invasion on members of the group. They were kicked from it. This post is only to save herself from the embarrassment she faced after people took her shit for too long and gave her a taste of her own medicine. If people were in danger I would be concerned but no one is. This is just victim complexity after getting embarrassed.


Accomplished_Lie576 t1_ixsj4gi wrote

Pretty sure she already has burner FB accounts. She just can't stop herself from trolling anyone that does not agree with her. She has failed to mention any of that in this forum😛.


Accomplished_Lie576 t1_ixskqgg wrote

She's the queen of throwaway FB accounts. Her problem is she can't resist trolling those who don't agree with her opinions.


MissryMan t1_ixv4yyf wrote

Stop letting peoples words hurt you. Being a soft pussy is your problem, not a group of satire and comedy.


Brad-Calbert t1_ixrmfmx wrote

Real life posts are removed immediately. We had an issue with two young females with a vendetta dating back to their high school days, that was quickly nipped in the bud.

OP’s post isn’t factual.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrs2i4 wrote

Well isn't it Brad lmaooo one of the admins of the group himself, of fuckin course you'd defend your cesspool of a group.


Brad-Calbert t1_ixruyo5 wrote

Defending? No

Setting the record straight, yes.

It’s been over a month, and you’re still playing victim. I’m cool with that, just tell the truth.


Emergency_Beat_600 OP t1_ixrveof wrote

What record? That you're a shitty person who made a page based on bullying people around town? Get a life.


Accomplished_Lie576 t1_ixslhsf wrote

The one where you messaged the friends of people that didn't agree with you.


Brad-Calbert t1_ixrw1zi wrote

That was never the “basis” for the group. Individual personalities are going to be individual personalities. I have no control over people’s proclivities or opinions. It’s really weird that you don’t act like you grasp that concept.

No one ever asked you to join, and certainly no one asked you to stay. Those were choices YOU made as a free citizen. You yourself spent hours being vapid, ugly, and shit talking different members there, until some of those people pushed back and you played mega victim…..and here you are.

Those are facts.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_ixscwt3 wrote

Lol. Your princess ass kicked me out for giving Hickman shit. Fucking Nancy


phoenixrising225 t1_ixsehq6 wrote

Anyone that comes back at the mod team gets kicked out. And if you report anything you are mercilessly attacked.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_ixt1tq9 wrote

Can't block me here, princess so you gonna ignore me. Yiur princess ass can dish all day long but run and cower when it gets sent back


[deleted] t1_ixuzkkr wrote



springfieldMO-ModTeam t1_ixvh1rd wrote

Your post was remove because it violated the subreddit rules against Personal or Confidential Information.

Personally identifiable information about someone, whether or not they are a Redditor is prohibited.