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Salt-Description-387 t1_ixspjfj wrote

You do realize that the same claim you’re making about that group has the same exact shit going on in this post? You’re bitching about closed groups encouraging harassment and the need to report it to SPD, all the while this post has people encouraging vandalism to a business.


BannedOnClubPenguin t1_ixsrv64 wrote

They aren't the same concept that you want them to be. A man harrassing homeless people and running a page to laugh and share with other who do the same to random people is not the same as people expressing disdain and backlash due to said unwarranted harassments'. You are being deliberately disingenuous if you can't see the cause and effect at hand here, and a bit naïve as you fail to mention the difference is, on his page, they encourage that behavior whereas on this page people are saying that encouraging vandalism to his workplace is stooping to his level and wrong. You clearly read the comment, maybe you didnt read the replies. Also ironic how you comment this on a sensible comment of someone saying all we can do is be aware of these pages and their creators, instead of commenting to one of the 2 other comments saying to draw on his building.


Salt-Description-387 t1_ixst54v wrote

Harassment whether it’s warranted or not is still harassment. And I’d say one person saying they should vandalize property and 1-2 others saying they couldn’t personally do that isn’t exactly them discouraging it or saying it is wrong. Maybe you didn’t read all the comments.


the_honeyman t1_ixtp2ih wrote

"I'm surprised nobody has done anything"=/="Somebody should do something."


ProgressMom68 t1_ixsw3b7 wrote

First of all, I’m not the OP on this post. Second of all, I never said I agreed with the people encouraging harassment. Unlike cowards who hide behind “free speech” and don’t remove literal death threats in their Facebook groups, if it were up to me those comments would be removed. But I’m not a mod. Third, this isn’t a closed group. Nobody here is hiding their behavior in a closed Facebook group.