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PreviousHeight6263 t1_ixx2g2v wrote

Reply to comment by RedBlack1978 in Alamo Draft House by [deleted]

I have left .02 as a tip before. At the roost I got the sliders before and ordered an odd number. My last one was like the crusties from the corner of the grill and I confronted the waiter for a replacement. He came back with it and said "we aren't going to charge you, that is the best I can do." I wasn't being unreasonable I just wanted what I ordered, so I left a 2¢ tip and wrote the message "that's the best I can do." I usually tip well over 20% so it's not that I'm cheap with the server, but this has been multiple times in a row that I received sub-par service. What really got me was when he said that's the best I can do, like it was coming out of his paycheck. I just wanted my 1/4 of a burger patty...


RedBlack1978 t1_ixx6wut wrote

I can relate with that one! Its not something id usually consider but if they arent willing to help themselves? Then i wont bother
