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Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixyym1d wrote

I'm a caseworker for adults and go to many doctors appointments. I have to say Cox hands down. I've felt like they've provided better care, and their services are way more reliable. I've run into many issues with Mercy screwing up appointments, rescheduling without contacting me or my clients, and I have been less happy with Mercy providers overall (not that there aren't good ones).

I've had these same issues with Cox, but much less frequently. Most of my clients prefer Cox over Mercy.

I've also been very disappointed by Mercy's Marian Center, and would strongly recommend going to Cox North over Mercy for psychiatric hospitalizations (also recommend Burrell's Rapid Access Center before letting the crisis escalate to requiring hospitalization). God forbid the Marian Center is full and they send you off to the rundown overflow facility in Joplin.... Haven't gone out there in years, but that place was a shithole last I was.

Nowhere is perfect, but Mercy is much farther from reaching that mark than Cox in my opinion. I go to Cox over Mercy for all of my providers.