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ProgressMom68 t1_ixznnwl wrote

Ooooh. Some people are gonna be mad.


keonijared OP t1_iy0izxe wrote

Well, I posted this because of the LED cabinet failure so soon after he spent a ridiculous sum on this display system, and apparently whoever sold this to him cut corners on proper circuitry design (more expensive when done right), or relatively cheap components. And for a client like this, with the traffic this location sees, it is seemingly indicative of an LED reseller that maximized profits over robust product & design.

That sucks, Johnny. Someone's going to get the whip cracked, or already has.

Source- LED engineer


evil_viking t1_iy0o6ks wrote

Hmm this side is a Daktronics, they are pretty good about having redundant signal paths. I'd guess it's a power supply issue


keonijared OP t1_iy0q86l wrote

Totally agreed. Just, terrible timing right after launch, haha


ZeProdigy23 t1_iy0pe0x wrote

You don’t have a clue. They have been weather proofing it all and there is redundant power supplies, more than likely it is just unplugged for that particular panel. Daktronics did the install and is a leader in these screens.


keonijared OP t1_iy0q3ip wrote

Happy holidays to you too! ;)


ZeProdigy23 t1_iy0qoj8 wrote

I mean at-least have a clue what you are talking about.


evil_viking t1_iy0rsgv wrote

The tech was out there running the connections to the cabinets at 3am, I wouldn't be surprised if a power supply was loose. Lol They are adding the faux wood framing around so that easily could have knocked a loose connection. Or they could have gotten a bad power supply. It happened to Dak before.


keonijared OP t1_iy0r332 wrote

Who hurt you? I've said everywhere else in the thread I'm a design engineer, talked about what it likely is (power supply and/or data connection failure) and am very familiar with all ends of these.

You know, offering more than "that cabinet is just unplugged for whatever reason".

Cute though. ;)


STLrep t1_iy5qfbo wrote

Yeah buddy that’s how it works…. It’s just unplugged


TragicallyHipWader t1_ixzp6al wrote

You’re not going to find many places that embrace Christmas more enthusiastically than Bass Pro Shops, but some people will get upset about the inclusive language choice. Never mind that even excluding non-Christian religious holidays, they celebrate a holiday season that runs from Thanksgiving thru New Years.


outsidenoise t1_ixzsnfl wrote

Perhaps this will equate to shorter lines when I take my kid for pictures with Santa!