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Sgthouse t1_ixzpo5k wrote

What’s too bad? Not following.


keonijared OP t1_iy0d8jz wrote

The huge tile/cabinet failure in the giant LED installation they just finished. Nothing to do with Christmas :/ although I guess that could be said too..? I dont care either way, it's the season for family and loved ones.


[deleted] t1_ixzr3bg wrote



meganfrau t1_ixzv1iu wrote

My confused ass thought it was the bad screen and the lettering. Lol


MunchieMunk t1_ixzvoir wrote

Yeah I thought we were looking at dead pixels for a second. My thought was, "Oh dang these screens just got installed, it's a shame a block of the screen is gone." Thinking that the black squares under the word holiday were the focus point of this post.


keonijared OP t1_iy0dp20 wrote

Yes, you're correct. Dead cabinets/tiles from sub-par data connections or cheap power supplies, merely weeks after completion.

On an installation like this, the design engineer should have accounted for what's called 'redundancy' data connections, so a client (especially like this) never loses a cabinet if something as simple as a CAT5/6 fails.


evil_viking t1_iy0ojvd wrote

They use SATA and fiber in signs this big. At least they didn't install this one over a fountain lol


keonijared OP t1_iy0pxiw wrote

Yup, familiar with them- especially the signature Daktonics dealer treatment. If you're in the industry too, you know how angry whatever middle management is going to be after getting a call from the top with-

"Someone drove by this and called Johnny to say 'Hey, your new sign is broken'. Fix it."


Sgthouse t1_ixzriyf wrote

Oh. I couldn’t care less either way so I didn’t pick up on that. I’ll get offended anyway tho if that’s what everyone else is doing.


rogan_notjoe t1_ixzv068 wrote

I think OP is posting on regard to the panels out at the bottom of the new screen