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ICareAboutNihilism t1_iymkezg wrote

I would expect to be disappointed by the police response.


Cursed_ChampagnePapi OP t1_iyml8n2 wrote

That has been my baseline since this happened


the_honeyman t1_iyn1fdh wrote

Yea I've known people who had full-face surveillance camera footage of the person in the act, and cops still told them they can't do anything about it. They're all useless at anything but perpetuating cycles of poverty to insulate the ruling class from real people's struggles.


Always_0421 t1_iyn5hbm wrote

It's so disappointing, and frankly infuriating, that you were the victim and you're expected to track down the perpetrator, collect evidence, and be able to nail down who did it before the police will even consider doing know the people who are paid a full salary, numerous benefits, and a pension at taxpayer expense to prevent , investigate, and bring to prosecution criminals.

I'm sorry this happened to you.

Same thing happened in our driveway about 2 years ago. We had video ofnthe people, as did our neighbors who had their vehicle broken into too....Police showed up. Looked at the video (wouldn't even humor us by accepting a copy of it).

Makes paying my property tax this month a little bit bigger pill to swallow.


MenopausalMama t1_iyn3niy wrote

Someone burglarized my neighbor with a U-Haul in broad daylight. I saw furniture and stuff being moved out but figured it was someone moving out with it being broad daylight and a U-Haul. A different neighbor has cameras and had the plate number of the U-Haul. All the cops needed to do was find out who rented the U-Haul. They did nothing. Neighbor never got any of his stuff back.


ICareAboutNihilism t1_iyn5ld7 wrote

Yep. Countless stories of "I have find my device active, I can show you within 50 feet of where it is, and I know the person who has it " met with "No can do" from the police.

I really don't get it. They will blow a door off its hinges, shoot the dogs, drag kids out of their beds in the middle of the night over a suspected weed dealer, but you hand them a thief and they couldn't care less.


Cursed_ChampagnePapi OP t1_iynae8e wrote

I do not understand it either, I hear arguments for being understaffed and overwhelmed. But even when all the leg work is done for them. Over the years I've just had to redefine what the role of a police officer is for me and it is not protector or crime fighter. They do not exist to protect the interest of common people.


the_honeyman t1_iyn9ke3 wrote

Almost like they only care about getting their rocks off and keeping poor people poor.


my_monkeys_fly t1_iymt193 wrote

Boy that's true, whe. It happened to me a decade ago I was told if I found who did it to let them know and they would consider doing something