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AceTheRed_ t1_iz51kfi wrote

Teen Titans-lookin’ ass tower


BaroquenLarynx t1_iz5bnw8 wrote

When my girlfriend and I first moved here, we went for a drive around town. We were driving by MCU and both pointed and shouted, "Titans Tower!" at the same time.


ApatheticAntichrist t1_iz5hrdq wrote

If I ever suddenly become a millionaire, I'm buying that building and remodeling the inside to be as close to titans tower as possible xD


agentbarron t1_iz6vvbi wrote

Millionaire money might get you a lease to a small office in that building

Edit: It's actually significantly less than I thought. In 2019 you could sublease half a floor for around 30k a month


donnicheeselover t1_izckyot wrote

always called it the teen titans tower when i was a kid! honestly i still do


WaywardDeadite t1_iz58n5n wrote

I've always called it Sauron, since I moved here. Same with the Hobknockers at Silver Dollar City.


lochlainn t1_iz67bwj wrote

I and quite a few others have called it the Darth Vader building since not long after it was built.


Aikyudo t1_iz597vq wrote

<Inserts gif of Kratos jumping off that cliff and free falling>


ExtroGio t1_iz5xmqg wrote

The top floor of it is a REALLY nice venue! I was taking pictures and video for a business party up there and the view is amazing!


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_j1h277u wrote

I heard it has a lot of structural issues and they can't have a restaurant there anymore because the cost to remodel it would be too much.


TheItchyTree t1_iz58ekl wrote

I used to work up there a lot installing internet equipment, i felt like a super villain a lot when I would bring those snap rocks from the 4th of July with me.


ru-ck-us-89 t1_iz5aaq1 wrote



mr_try-hard t1_iz5omqv wrote

Came here to make sure someone suggested that sub. It’s suitable to be sure.


einherjar73 t1_iz7brnl wrote

I knew a girl who used to work at the tower club. They stored all their beer and liquor in the basement which was never locked. She took me there quite a bit and we would grab whatever we needed for the night. Just walk in off the street, take the elevator down and then grab some booze and party. Best girlfriend ever.


Netzapper t1_iz5gzdl wrote

Pretty sure I had Junior Cotillion up there. Maybe prom too?


Sithaun_Meefase t1_iz5j2h6 wrote

I’ve DJ’d parties up there at the top before it’s super dope.


pdoxr9 t1_iz64s49 wrote

I worked on the 20th floor. It was hilarious. I felt like a supervillain


MidwestFescue82 t1_iz6luz0 wrote

Springfield is the poorest city in Missouri. They are probably planning how to pay their bills for the upcoming recession.


[deleted] t1_iz6pc5s wrote

"Boys..... how can we drum up more crime? The working class has become to comfortable"


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_j1h25hq wrote

My friend works in an investment firm up there. They deal in a lot of safe investments, so I imagine "plotting his next move" is like watching paint dry.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_iz5mu9n wrote

The restaurant up there is trash and straight out of the 80's.


petlove499 t1_iz67fkt wrote

Wait… I want to go there just to go there. Is this place open? What’s it called?


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_iz6au53 wrote

It used to be a restaurant, it’s now an events venue - the Tower Club.


petlove499 t1_iz6cwxh wrote

Bummer, guess I’m gonna have to wait to be invited.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_iz731ae wrote

I uaed to do work for a company that held their Xmas party there. It's called the Tower Club. I think it's only open for events these days


sourwookie t1_izbaiq8 wrote

Yep. Shit like frozen Sysko cordon bleu served on kinda fancy plates.