Submitted by nor15236 t3_zfdmvx in springfieldMO

He says he is staying at a church that has a "black skinhead dj guy". They let him sleep on the floor of the church and fed him dinner. He believes this is "the church of the Raven dragon god". He did a testimonial at the church, thinking they also "worship the raven dragon god, the Church of Goth and the Church of punk". They may play punk music. He has severe mental health issues. He believes he is "the Angel of death, is married to the archangel Gabriel's daughter, and is going to convert the homeless of Springfield into his army". The cops know all this and won't do anything. I called the cops twice yesterday. First, because of psychotic texts he was sending ( I was afraid to go home with my kids and I am pregnant). He was able to answer their questions about where, when, and who he was and had no plans to hurt himself. Officer Dopp said they didn't have time to look up his records of violence. He has a history of violence with people that he knows. He touched on me hard in the chest while I was sitting on a sofa. So I called again about 15 minutes after the first time. The cop who first walked up to me, asked what I wanted to do because they couldn't do anything. Also, said he didn't read the report of my 911 call and didn't know what was going on. He told me I was an active part in the domestic dispute because I wanted Ted to go to the hospital to get treatment and I called the cops on him for his mental health. I showed him the texts and video of him touching me. The cop said my head didn't move during the touching so it didn't happen. So it was ok. They didn't look for him after he walked out when I left to call the cops in my car the second time. I made it very clear during my 911 calls that my brother was having a mental health crisis each time. The 911 operator acted like he didn't know what that was, it was the same guy both times. We live in Midtown and he is on foot. He is 44, wearing a black biker's leather jacket, gray sweatpants, and has dark rim glasses. He is white with brown gravy hair shaved on the sides. He believes he is on a quest from the raven dragon god. If anyone knows of a church that may have taken him in please message me.



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Setter_sws t1_izbcf2i wrote

Hey I'm not sure what you could do about him. There are very few options especially if he is unwilling to commit himself ... But if you are in fear and have children I would suggest contacting Harmony House. Even if you are not looking for shelter, they will record your situation and offer you what resources they can think of. They will have much better information than any of us on Reddit.


pizza1sgr8 t1_izc53s4 wrote

OP if you need to call the cops in the future, request a CIT officer respond to the call. They have additional training in MH issues & there is supposed to be at least one CIT trained officer on shift at all times.


417SKCFAN t1_izbg9gc wrote

I would try to file a restraining order, there are also some resources listed here.


toxcrusadr t1_izbpx6i wrote

It doesn't sound like her brother is capable of abiding by a RO, or maybe even understanding what it is. What would be the point? Could he be arrested for violating it? Would that help anything? Just wondering.


417SKCFAN t1_izc3g4a wrote

Yes, that would then be the point. Violation of a restraining order means an arrest. The cops, without one, will likely not do anything as has been the case.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_izemh1l wrote

Technically we don’t have restraining orders in Missouri, but we do have ex partes (a restraining order can be used against anyone, an ex parte needs an established relationship). Here are the details and requirements to get one. This should qualify under Domestic Violence and Assault. An ex parte is active as soon as it’s been filed but it needs to be served by a sheriff’s deputy (civil division usually does this) to the respondent (who you are filing it against). If he can’t be tracked down, it’s going to be hard to serve it.

And ultimately, it is just a piece of paper. While he can be arrested for violating it, it won’t prevent anything from happening, especially when he’s in a state where he’s not really in touch with reality and may not be able to register what it is and what it involves.


417SKCFAN t1_izepbof wrote

OP has tried police intervention, so clearly wants protection of some sort. The best legal path to get the police to do something would be to follow the ex parte process. If he shows up, then he can be served.


duckduckmoosed t1_izd6317 wrote

Look up mental health court.

I’m from a different state but there should be a mental health court in your county where you can write a petition for a mental health evaluation. If granted they will take him to an inpatient psych unit for assessment. It varies by county, but there should be some system in place.

Worst case if you file a missing persons report, and the police find him, they will probably swing him by an emergency room when he’s picked up.

Again different state so I don’t know what options you have exactly. But hopefully there’s a system in place. Good luck !


LurkingOakleaf t1_izgotxn wrote

Can you get him to take a pic and send it to you? You could try and track him down with the metadata.


Dry-Calligrapher5271 t1_izd8902 wrote

Now that is quality r/SpringfieldMO content.

If he sent that to you, and you came here with it, he's probably healthy.


periodbloodsausage t1_izbbxun wrote

Is the brown gravy hair more like Popeye's or KFC gravy?


Gqyoshi t1_izzmdht wrote

Damn now I'm hungry.. Hmmm KFC or Popeyes?