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throwawayyyycuk t1_izcivtv wrote

Also, the north side of Springfield is considered the poor sector and is also where all the homeless people travel (they actually sleep and hang around city hall) they aren’t horrible and mostly still have their ozarks hospitality and you will do them no wrong if you carry cigs. They do like to chitchat. South Springfield is “cleaner” but has a bunch of stupid shopping centers and roads that people drive too fast on and wreck their cars. There are pockets of unique neighborhoods that are old and well kept, we also have some colleges and the downtown is ok, and I believe we still have at least two (?) dedicated hobby stores, there are also stores in our mall that sell high quality toys and figurines


strangedange OP t1_izcygaw wrote

Thanks for the replies. I live just about as far away from downtown as you can while still staying in the city of Seattle but even so it's reached a tipping point. They are in the park, they are outside every store. They barricade the bus stops to do drugs at. My dog has gotten glass in his foot from the trash they leave everywhere. They burned a cart full of shit nearby and it melted the powerline above, AND it was right next to a big gas/electrical box thing. I've come outside to find them using the power outlet on the side of my house.

I'm not looking for Mayberry, but I want to be able to walk my dog without have to dodge broken glass and needles.


fphillips93 t1_izdecwx wrote

Man, Idk. There’s been a lot of gun violence and shit happening on the South and East sides of town lately, too. The whole of Springfield is kind of devolving the last 3 years. There used to be zones. You knew you’d be accosted by harmless homeless meth heads at the gas stations on North side in 2018. You knew you could go to the West side for your meth, and to avoid that side of town unless you’re on meth. You knew the South side was the businesses, colleges, and apartments, the people with nicer cars and houses and lots of debt. The East side was industry and the more wealthy or actual middle class folks, east of Prince Ln/Chestnut. Now…. It all blends. The homeless are on National by Mercy with their signs and hands out. They are on the highways on the South side. They sleep wherever. Gun violence on South side and East side in the last 3 years. All that shit with those cops getting killed on East Chestnut with that dude driving all over the East side shooting for 3 weekends in a row and they could never catch up to him. It’s gotten pretty rough. Even if you try to ignore it or move away from that rough neighborhood, there’s ALWAYS a couple of shitty apples on the street, no matter where. I had to skip out. We moved to Ozark in May. Best damn decision ever. And Springfield is like Pedoville. It’s like a safe place for them.


throwawayyyycuk t1_izgjtj6 wrote

It’s not perfect, there has been more fun violence recently and that is concerning, but the homeless problem is not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. Don’t get me wrong, there are more homeless people, and they do panhandle, but there’s not heaping communities of them scouring the city, they roam solo or in pairs for the most part.


fphillips93 t1_izglfeg wrote

No, it’s definitely worse than I make it out to be. Like I said…. I don’t even go to gas stations in Springfield anymore because the homeless can’t seem to leave people alone. Don’t act like they aren’t sleeping by the dumpsters at every single Casey’s and K&G in that city. Don’t act like they don’t go in the bathrooms and OD and die all the time in those gas stations. They do. Don’t act like they aren’t stuffed up into the holes in the bridge over Glenstone. They are. You can open up KY3 and find all this information yourself and it’s ALL true.