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22TopShelf22 t1_ize3wkr wrote

Reply to comment by russ0074 in weed is legal 🪴 by ancientaroma79

Its clear where ethe pot smokeds hang out as indicated. Just wait till their friends have easier access to it a well. Glad you can promise me no one will get hurt by people driving high. I appreciate that.


goldencrisp t1_ize6a3x wrote

How do you feel about alcohol? If you are against that too, then I really don’t care what you have to say about weed. If you are ok with alcohol but not weed, then I also don’t care what you have to say about it.


Successful_Hunter235 t1_ize5srk wrote

Like people have never driven high. Like people aren't driving high today. It is apparent you have never had an original thought and rely only on the propaganda you've been fed.