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ho1doncaulfield t1_izeuebe wrote

Reply to comment by booradly in The Lord has spoken by Ganrokh

What did he say lol


EcoAffinity t1_izf182y wrote

In October 2017, he tweeted, during a visit to Springfield: "The world is full of broken promises but none is more devastating than a bad doughnut."


AmcillaSB t1_izfzyyy wrote

What's great is he didn't name them, but everyone knew where he was talking about.


ho1doncaulfield t1_izfrzt3 wrote

lol that's awesome! Hurt's sucks in many aspects but the most obvious reason is their product. Can't believe anyone would recommend it.


booradly t1_izgj5mw wrote

He didn't say hurts specifically, we can probably assume he did not have a St. Georges but heres the tweet when he was here in 2017. There's also a News Leader article about it too.