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sgt-stutta t1_izldhhj wrote

Would also add that it's Architecture school and Business school are up there with the same programs at the larger midwest schools.

Like you said, Drury has small class sizes, so you have more 1-to-1 interactions with your instructors. Definitely has it's benefits. The downside of Drury's small size is a smaller pool of programs/majors to choose from, and not all of the programs are as good as the two I listed above. As an example STEM programs were on the weaker side during my time there. Not bad, by any means, but you didn't have access to the expensive lab setups you'd get a large, state school.


ungovernablemushroom t1_izli3x1 wrote

Yes I forgot to mention their Architecture and Business school! Thank you for pointing that out. I agree wholeheartedly about the STEM programs