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round_is_funny t1_izt1xz4 wrote

You know, if it's about conservation, this isn't it. At least as far as our flying friends are concerned.


mr_try-hard t1_izux0l0 wrote

Underrated comment. Light pollution contributes to the death of millions of birds. Bass Pro needs to put their money where their mouth is. This action doesn’t line up with their mission statement.


DyktMuffinManwlodl t1_j14lo1u wrote

I used to work in their corporate office. Without doxxing myself, the department I was in printed multiple hundreds or thousands of page reports for people in different departments to highlight certain pages, scan back in, and then shred the report.

This is how they did their accounting, among other things.

The manager of that department at the time finally told them "this doesn't line up with your mission statement let's get rid of these ancient laser printer as400 reports."

Bass Pro does all kinds of stuff like this. While I was there I was informed that the maintenance crew killed goose eggs with diesel. Nevermind the fact that it's bass pro and they could easily get a license to dispose of these pests legally, using corn oil.


Professional_Fox4467 t1_izvufib wrote

Like how Thunder Ridge's "Nature" Arena cleared hundreds of acres for just parking lots alone.