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the_honeyman t1_j06sq9y wrote

You're cute.

I am very aware of the costs of our imperialism globally, as you could see if you went through my past posts.

The only reason Qatar doesn't match or exceed those numbers is their economy doesn't come close to ours.

Regardless of the whataboutism spewing wantonly from your asshole, it is perfectly acceptable to criticize all three things, the imperialism driving the American military, as well as a corrupt country who doesn't care about the lives of women, migrants, or minority groups in general, and a corrupt "sporting" institution with ties to money laundering and organized crime.

This could be an epiphany for you, where you realize just how big of an asshole you are, or it could show just how many assumptions you make on a daily basis. But, I'm gonna guess that isn't going to happen, and you'll be right back here attempting to make condescending remarks just to find some kind of meaning in your bleak existence.


ehoneygut t1_j06txtl wrote

Well, unsurprisingly, you did exactly what I predicted, with insults to boot...


the_honeyman t1_j06ua9y wrote

Imagine complaining about insults after your condescending post.

Some people do have the ability to care about more than one thing. Maybe try it sometime.


ehoneygut t1_j06vevs wrote

> your condescending post.

That you took it as condescending is telling of someone who gets emotional when their point of view is challenged. Rather than make a logical argument, you chose to yell whataboutism and hurl insults. A logical thinker doesn't need to resort to fallacies, like people overcome by emotion.

Once again, extremely relevant: You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.


the_honeyman t1_j06x96n wrote

>This could be an epiphany moment, where you realize how out of touch with reality you are. Or it could show you how you've been manipulated to hold certain lives as more important than others. But, I'm gonna guess neither of those will come to pass and you'll just double down. Seems like the phrase 'You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into' is very relevant.

Yea, that's pretty condescending, thinking you have to lecture me on the subject of American imperialism. This thread wasn't about American imperialism, you want to start a new one about that and I'll be 100% on board with everything you want to say about how the US Military's function hasn't been protecting the country since at least WW2.

This thread was, however, about a country hosting an event to sportswash their awful human rights record, and a corrupt organization that directly enables organized crime and dictators. The only whataboutism here are the "well the US is just as bad" posts.