Submitted by Massysmom t3_zntx8t in springfieldMO

The added required exit lane from westbound James River to National is a dangerous nightmare. Drivers seem oblivious to the fact that the second from the right lane is also exit only now. I’ve seen wrecks, people driving up the shoulder, and cars just moving over without regards to someone being beside them. I stopped going that way, too dangerous.



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puck126 t1_j0jrdr1 wrote

I take that exit to get to work, and in the 15 seconds it takes for me to navigate that exit I seem to always witness someone not realizing it's an exit and merging across the solid white line. If I witness at least one in 15 seconds, this has to happen close to 100 times a day. It's just poor planning by the engineers.

If you have to pass that way, go with the understanding that someone will invariably try to merge late.

Have patience.

Give yourself space.

May the Schwartz be with you!


Mechanicallvlan t1_j0jee55 wrote

Yeah, I see people move over late basically every time that I'm there. I've also forgotten about it once myself and had to change lanes late, TBH. I'm always entering 60 from Glenstone, so there isn't a lot of time to move over.


bobone77 t1_j0k26ij wrote

It’s because Springfield drivers are morons. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s REALLY clearly marked.


Moosey_78 t1_j0k0pjo wrote

I poured the concrete for that. It's so dumb.


S_Chael t1_j0ju3cf wrote

I’m not gonna lie it fooled me Monday while I was talking to my passenger and I KNEW it was an exit now.

If I remember right, the solid white line also continues straight like the lane should continue, then just starts fading.

I bet it gets messy around rush hour.


snorlaxatives_69 t1_j0jx57i wrote

I use that section of highway frequently on both sides and it’s frightening how many people STILL don’t know the new updates. Y’all don’t have to merge immediately after getting on 60 East bound from Glenstone/Republic. Getting onto 60 from 65 is also more of a mess than before.


lochlainn t1_j0k1vtm wrote

God yes, it's awful.


r1verbend t1_j0lmtda wrote

I pass by it daily; and I prefer to be in the far left lane when I pass it for the above mentioned reasons. I think some updated road paint might mildly help the situation. I feel that the confusion is magnified because with the Glenstone exit, you can exit or remain on 60 W when in the second from right hand turn lane.