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Tully1022 t1_j0jkbri wrote

Ouch. Little sensitive are we?


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0jpo3m wrote

No one here has expressed offense except for you.


robzilla71173 t1_j0lsiyo wrote

They actually do seem like the only person in the conversation not butthurt.


Tully1022 t1_j0ll5i7 wrote

And apparently you.


the_honeyman t1_j0lqzc6 wrote

Do you even know what the word "offensive" means? Or are you just regurgitating whatever Facebook Russian troll bullshit you've seen your dude bro buddies post?


Tully1022 t1_j0mnhdl wrote

No, of course not. I'm not anywhere near as smart as you. :)


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0mve3e wrote

Nope. You did the same thing in another thread. You pretend other people are offended when they aren't, and then call them snowflakes. It's you. Not them, not me. It's you who gets offended at everything. You are the sensitive snowflake.


Tully1022 t1_j0nf5jt wrote

Says the twat that searches out my prior comments. That's some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j0njd7j wrote


Tully1022 t1_j0nnztc wrote

You're really taking this shit too serious, bro. Lighten up. It ain't that important to prove you comments are so much better than someone else's. K?


Tully1022 t1_j0ngprb wrote

Before I ignore you completely I just want to let you know it cracks me up that you are so sure you are 100% right in everything you believe in. You are 1 funny little munchin. Have a good life, scooter. I'm done with you.
