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Ballyhoo-45 t1_j2ex4r7 wrote

They are licensed by the state and legally obligated to follow the regulations and laws as a pharmacy. Patient safety in the pharmacy is a completely separate consideration from their retail activity.


Advanced_Car1599 t1_j2ey1s4 wrote

Sure. Then you must realize that lawmakers are heavily influenced by corporations and businesses such as WG... which therefore make them not really accountable to anyone. "Ethics and compliance" is basically bullshit just to keep the public at bay and make people "feel" like WG is out to help them. I, too, have extensive experience in this... but one day, decided to open my eyes. Furthermore, if WG single most important objective was not to have business profit... then they wouldn't even have a pharmacy to begin with. Clearly, the business objective of increasing the bottom line is more important than "patient health and safety."