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notnotpegbundy t1_j0o5cun wrote

You take the internet giving everyone a voice, add in a pandemic where everyone could only socialize by that form of communication, and it gives birth to what we are dealing with now. It sucks.

But I fight demons everyday that the person next to me doesn’t even know I’m fighting, so I try to show kindness when I can.


Low_Tourist t1_j0oop67 wrote

There's an actual theory that they call "The American Idol Effect" where everyone was told that their opinion was important/mattered and to vote for things, like reality shows, and that started this current social pattern


notnotpegbundy t1_j0pl5aq wrote

Interesting! I’m going to have to read up on that!


Low_Tourist t1_j0r3c94 wrote

It may not be called exactly that, but that's the gist of the theory