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WendyArmbuster t1_j0o5o5g wrote

Reply to comment by agentbarron in Customers by the_honeyman

This is very true, but I wonder if something new is happening. There is a cultural shift going on which has actually shifted the balance of power. It's been going on for a long time, of course, but the tides are at a point in which those who used to be in a comfortable majority are no longer so comfortable in that majority. One half used to see the other as being a detriment to their way of life, but now they're forced to see the other half as actually having power over them as well. You can see that it's distressing to them in ways that it didn't used to be. Suddenly they're all saying they feel tread upon. Make things be like they used to be. Even this trend of tattered flag stickers and t-shirts is representative of them feeling like their country is being torn apart. They want you to know they're not happy, and you're going to feel it behind the counter, too.