Submitted by the_honeyman t3_zob4f0 in springfieldMO

Is it just me, or have the attitudes of the customers gone way downhill? Retail and food service have always taken the brunt of the general public's lack of social graces, but nowadays it just seems like everywhere I go there are people who don't understand just how understaffed and stressed everybody is. Entitled people demanding things the place is out of, threatening wait staff over the lettuce shortage, throwing a fit because their Wendy's took an extra 2 minutes to get to their car.

Go just sit at the bar of your favorite restaurant, be nice and friendly to the staff, and you'll see what I mean. Their faces absolutely light up when they realize you aren't going to berate them for things completely out of control. You'll get free shots, appetizers, and probably part of your bill knocked off as well.

Shit sucks everywhere right now. Stop making it worse for the people just trying to make ends meet in incredibly overworked and overstressed positions.



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WendyArmbuster t1_j0m03kk wrote

I think there is a large group of the population that is basically permanently agitated and combative. They're feeding themselves fear and hate 24/7, and are convinced that everybody is out to take advantage of their hard work. They are convinced that they are perpetual victims of society. This clouds everything that they see and do.


agentbarron t1_j0nyh37 wrote

The real ironic part is one half sees the other half being that way, the other half sees the first half being that way


RockemChalkemRobot t1_j0o8o8p wrote

Talk about it here and you'll get "both sides"-d. In real life most people are wholly over it. Unfortunately the deeper people fall into online chatter the farther they are moved from reality. Thus changing reality. It's a problem


WendyArmbuster t1_j0o5o5g wrote

This is very true, but I wonder if something new is happening. There is a cultural shift going on which has actually shifted the balance of power. It's been going on for a long time, of course, but the tides are at a point in which those who used to be in a comfortable majority are no longer so comfortable in that majority. One half used to see the other as being a detriment to their way of life, but now they're forced to see the other half as actually having power over them as well. You can see that it's distressing to them in ways that it didn't used to be. Suddenly they're all saying they feel tread upon. Make things be like they used to be. Even this trend of tattered flag stickers and t-shirts is representative of them feeling like their country is being torn apart. They want you to know they're not happy, and you're going to feel it behind the counter, too.


[deleted] t1_j0m5oqz wrote

I’ve noticed it ever since Covid lockdown. I think it’s something to do with lack of socialization combined with media trying to divide us. Some people need medication and aren’t getting it either. Just try to push through is all I can say. I try to be nice as I can and that’s all you can do. Not everyone is bad so you never know who you’ll run into.


sourdoughbreadlover t1_j0mldge wrote

My uncle has always been into conspiracy theories and he has become so much more of an asshole. He is in fight or flight mode everyday now.

Any little thing that doesn't go his way pushes him over the edge. For example he was trying to sign into his email and he was typing his password incorrectly. He became angry and cursing. I tried to help but he yelled at me and I told him to leave.

It is impossible to spend time with him because he will start on his theories and yelling because the loudest person is correct or some shit for brains logic.

If you find yourself in a similar situation check out r/qanoncasualties.


[deleted] t1_j0mofsx wrote

Sorry to hear that. I find some people can be persuaded if you agree with them a little and get on their side. Then from there you slowly bring up some different ideas with proof provided facts. Doesn’t always work though.


sourdoughbreadlover t1_j0mp3f0 wrote

Telling him to leave works for me and blocking him also works. I hate that I lost a family member that is still living but for my own health I had to.

At the end of the day I am responsible for me. I am 100% in control of my actions. I treat others with kindness and respect. Sometimes it pisses others off when I won't sink to their level and that just makes me smile more.


latemadly t1_j0ni5jf wrote

Think about it, on a WORLDWIDE scale humanity was put into that fight or flight state, all those brains(the whole collective consciousness if you will). As time goes on, our brains either try to heal by returning to homeostasis or continue that state, all at varied levels and time. Some seemed to enjoy that fight or flight state and use it as excuse to be "asshats" imo


my_monkeys_fly t1_j0lyqrm wrote

I think its just how people are. My sister cleans at a University, and a guy looked ger dead in the eye the other day and threw his trash at her feet. Some people are just asshats


latemadly t1_j0ng1x3 wrote

I'm gonna have a talk with the karma gods to get that guy back on your sister's behalf. It's coming for him


snorlaxatives_69 t1_j0mcx6q wrote

I worked at GameStop from 2014-18 and they were horrid then too. I think the pandemic has brought out a new type of mean in people.


CoughEKing t1_j0mzbfi wrote

That's what people are not mentioning..Customer service has been and always will be a shitty job because you have to deal with shitty people but I have no clue what OP is thinking if you're nice you get nice service... that's the equivalent of saying every business should treat you like an asshole cause you probably are one anyways, unless you're show them you're different ya know...rofl the whole idea sounds as stupid as the statement itself does


telxonhacker t1_j0nmjpj wrote

It seems the level of service has gone downhill as well. I know the pandemic has put a crimp on a lot of the supply chain, and stores not wanting to pay people a decent wage.

What people need to remember is, being rude to the clerks/servers/ minimum wage employees isn't going to fix the problem. They don't set the idiotic policies, or decide to cut hours, decide not to pay better, or drop certain products etc. It's the people sitting in cozy offices making 6 figures that decide that a store can run on 50% of the employees it should have, or that people don't deserve a living wage.

I always adopt an approach of being nice to the retail workers, regardless how badly the business itself sucks, unless the employees are outwardly rude. (even then, who's to say what they are going through) but I will totally vote with my wallet.


mylifeissoperfect t1_j0mo4bl wrote

Also on the roads people seem more rude, has anyone else noticed that? Or maybe I’ve mellowed and am noticing how I probably used to drive.


gaelicmuse t1_j0mdaxr wrote

Was just mentioning this to my husband recently. You’re not the only one noticing.


notnotpegbundy t1_j0o5cun wrote

You take the internet giving everyone a voice, add in a pandemic where everyone could only socialize by that form of communication, and it gives birth to what we are dealing with now. It sucks.

But I fight demons everyday that the person next to me doesn’t even know I’m fighting, so I try to show kindness when I can.


Low_Tourist t1_j0oop67 wrote

There's an actual theory that they call "The American Idol Effect" where everyone was told that their opinion was important/mattered and to vote for things, like reality shows, and that started this current social pattern


notnotpegbundy t1_j0pl5aq wrote

Interesting! I’m going to have to read up on that!


Low_Tourist t1_j0r3c94 wrote

It may not be called exactly that, but that's the gist of the theory


Maximum-Voice-2381 t1_j0oozzv wrote

I work at a local hospital and it has even spread to us. Not just patients but their family members as well. It is frustrating and upsetting we are all just doing the best we can with the staffing and management we have and I wish more people would understand that.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j0oydab wrote

> it just seems like everywhere I go there are people who don't understand just how understaffed and stressed everybody is.

They understand, but it's not their problem your bosses can't hire enough people.

It's not your fault, either, but pressure from the public to fix service levels by hiring more people and paying them enough to keep a full staff on hand is a good thing.

>Entitled people demanding things the place is out of, threatening wait staff over the lettuce shortage, throwing a fit because their Wendy's took an extra 2 minutes to get to their car.

Yeah... that's just throwing a tantrum because their life sucks and they're taking it out on everyone around them. Fuck that noise.


Setter_sws t1_j0mh4wr wrote

This is in reference to the post regarding workers in the service industries, correct? Because I sympathize with this stance.


CoughEKing t1_j0mzl77 wrote

Yeah the ole nuh uh it's the other person's fault..sure we believe you and I bet you never provide shitty customer service just take your upvotes and shut the hell up don't actually try to mention anything to fix the issue


Tully1022 t1_j0mpxmz wrote

Its a change in society in many ways. Random street violence is a good example. Humans have changed the way the see other humans. Value of life has decreased many times over.


purplewines t1_j0o5i0i wrote

You aren’t kidding! Guy in STL got shot working at a KFC because they were out of corn. How ridiculous is that!


BornLightWolf t1_j0ohif6 wrote

Honestly if youre gonna go out and be an overbearing cock munch, than just dont go out. People in service industry jobs deserve as much respect as anyone else if not more


growth-or-happiness t1_j0tsmzg wrote

I am up wayyyyy to early. This is how I have seen people as a customer as well. I don’t even like asking for condiments because it makes me feel like a burden. As I have commented before, Connor at Chilis is the best. There was some big car show in town and these people didn’t know what nachos were. They got drunk and proceeded to be dicks until we made eye contact and I shook my head in disappointment. They left and after a 140 bill left no tip. So I tipped him for our meal and more to cover their dumbass shit. Fuck that shit. People are dicks and need to learn. For the record, I am not Connor. Just saying that when people take care of you, you need to try and return the same sentiment. I don’t know how people don’t get the whole “We are all trying” thing. I may be a self proclaimed satanist (not Anton), but I try to treat all with kindness. Not because of my secular beliefs, but this is all we got as a species. Be nice. Y’all are doing great, and I do what I can to make sure you are appreciated. Whether it is “Hey, can you do me a favor? Have a great day.”, or “Hey guess what? You are great. Do well today.” People really are unkind and I try to flip that. Do well everyone this week. I know I am trying.


Christmasqueen19 t1_j0qr5eq wrote

I work at Walmart and yes! The entitlement is ridiculous. Had a lady huff at me for saying hello, like I bothered her! I’m thinking “honey what do you have to be uppity and entitled about, I have to be here to work, your ass chose to be here!”


armenia4ever t1_j0r9e10 wrote

This 100%

I see people who all day talk and post online about how tolerant, virtuous, and activists for various social causes then treat working class service sector employees like absolute garbage.

Like if you are gonna explode on someone because your coffee was wrong in a lunch rush, you might want take off your Pride sticker cause you are actively hurting shit you are promoting.


formiscontent t1_j0sdlkk wrote

I think most people are feeling the conflict between what is still socially expected of them (start a family, buy a house, have a successful career) and the reality that those days are increasingly out of reach for the average American. They (particularly white men) feel like they've done what they were supposed to do and aren't receiving the upward-mobility rewards enjoyed by their grandparents.

They feel gypped of a lifestyle they felt was promised to them, and are lashing out at anyone they have a sense of authority over. Retail and fast food workers, teachers (also spouses and kids) become easy targets because it's hard for them to walk away from the assailant. And there are almost never repercussions for these attacks, so they continue and can easy escalate and spread.


CoughEKing t1_j0mwsc5 wrote

Understaffed and stressed? You must be the employer in this occasion because if any place I work at is understaffed and stressed you have to ask yourself how long is that going to be an acceptable answer before the business owner actually does something to fix it? How long should your employer allow this abuse to you from customers because of you being understaffed and stressed? Does the stress come from understaffing itself? How can you fix the understaffing issues? Pay more a livable wage? Make it worth putting up with peoples shit since they are going to be unhappy from being understaffed and stressed...all this goes back to the employer just being shit..places that have good employees pay their employees well enough to deal with customer problems and not blame everything on being understaffed and stressed


the_honeyman OP t1_j0nfkm7 wrote

Relax bro. This is a pro-worker post. Look around. The reality is employers are trying to squeeze every penny they can by underhiring. I agree with everything you said about shitty employers, but that doesn't change the fact they're everywhere.


sgf-guy t1_j0o2usb wrote

I went from a decent middle class career where I showed up and had the stress and did the thing and I got to go spend and do things. I was not some even mid level southside subdivision resident nor would I want to be. I make less now and am not just happier and more simple but also see so much not just consumerism but trying to maintain face and status quo…for largely people who have half the time “fake” job titles. Fake because it’s largely subdivides of what was one persons job decades ago.

There are people who will wait in a 23 deep Starbucks’s line in their car to avoid being maybe customer number 2 if you parked and walked inside and left 30 minutes earlier. That’s not even shitty weather dependent….it’s every hour they are open.

Many people in this country have became soft as we became a service based economy instead of a manufacturing economy and honestly still have too much money and entitlement.

The economic side of my interests sees a bad next decade. Real owners know the customers that aren’t worth the trouble and would rather reward the good ones or spend time trying to bring in new ones. Retail secret shops and ratings are a Karen business evaluation model that is not helpful for the most part. We all have bad days, but it’s ok to not deal with PITA’s when needed.


Ok-Possibility2054 t1_j0ngbu7 wrote

Unfortunately it seems to go both ways now. Customer service is lacking everywhere and this has been going on long before the pandemic. Stores, medical offices, salons, customer call centers, banks etc. No one smiles or greets you anymore. Hardly anyone says thank you for your business or please come back and see us. If you have a question some employees seem annoyed or disinterested. It appears many employees are unhappy with their jobs and are emotionally disconnecting. Please be nice to the kind customers. We're not all Karen's.


Jack_Krauser t1_j0os3p1 wrote

They don't seem annoyed and disinterested, they are annoyed and disinterested. Many of their jobs are miserable, unfulfilling and don't pay enough to cover living wages.


shizkc t1_j0w6nc7 wrote

It’s kinda weird that you need to be talked up to when doing business. Why do you need a smile or a goodbye? As a person who isn’t exactly neurotypical, people who need that validation from me are the worst. It’s exhausting to be “on” all day. Let people solve your issue then be on your way.