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[deleted] t1_j10zg8t wrote



the_honeyman OP t1_j1101bl wrote

It's the same thing.

Also /r/notruescotsman


armenia4ever t1_j110ex3 wrote

It's not and I'm Armenian.

I can go all day about stolen/conquered land - which is actually happening still right now having lost a war to Azerbaijan over territory that Armenian families' have built on and in for hundreds of years.


the_honeyman OP t1_j110m39 wrote

Seems like your land is being stolen, but whatever.


armenia4ever t1_j110v59 wrote

We at some point conquered that land. In turn we were conquered, displaced, subjugate, enslaved, etc by various empires and peoples. History is cyclical. Never have guilt or shame about the land you live on or who you ancestors were. Don't apologize. Ever.

I 've got 3 kids and this is a moral value I plan to install as much as possible.

Down vote all you want as I don't l expect any real counter points.


the_honeyman OP t1_j1117jd wrote

And now we're right back to Patriot Front talking points.


[deleted] t1_j111fv9 wrote



the_honeyman OP t1_j111v0i wrote

Surely the most extreme option is the best, and there are absolutely zero ways of making things right short of everybody giving up their houses and being homeless.

Nobody except you said anything about feeling shame.

Edit: dude is a walking, talking, Patriot Front propaganda-spouting fountain.


armenia4ever t1_j11y8pk wrote

Or you could present counter points instead of accusing me - a POC - of being walking talking propaganda for Patriot Front. ( I also have tons of privilege cards I can play, so check yours before you launch accusations. )


the_honeyman OP t1_j11yx2q wrote

When you're spouting the same lines as they do, e.g. "Never apologize" and "DoN't GuiLT tRiP mY KiDs," you might as well be.

I do recognize my privilege, which is why I realize how important teaching children about privilege is. Pretty rich of you to tell me to check my privilege mere messages after "don't ever feel shame about your ancestors."


armenia4ever t1_j11zys4 wrote

I've got 2000+ years of my ancestors being subjugated, enslaved, conquered, multiple genocides, hundreds of years of wealth and land passed down generation to generation gone in a matter of weeks (real structural systematic impact) ... and I still maintain that no one should feel shame about their ancestors - to Turks, Azeris, and even the Mongols.

Take the good with the bad and keep going.

You can always keep digging and find that the victims were victimizers themselves. It's an endless waltz. (I also might be biased on that because of how much EU4 I've played.)


the_honeyman OP t1_j120ad0 wrote

You're basing your knowledge of world history from a fucking video game? We're officially done here.


armenia4ever t1_j122v7l wrote

Knowledge comes from many places. You'd be a fool to not utilize and learn from any sources, materials, and yes games that you can.

I'm also basing it on having read and studied voraciously about peoples and their history since I was quite young. I judge people for their actions now instead of their ancestors in the past where the morals of that time instead of ours. It's really as simple as that.

Who are we to judge Shaka, Batu Khan, Cuauhtemoc, etc?
