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Ogtrot OP t1_j11mypv wrote

My brother has been missing since April of this year. I've been trying to get into every homeless camp I can look for him. Though it has proven dangerous, I need to find him. I'm not going to post everywhere I've been, I'd like to get any information that anyone has on any sites around town. I appreciate you all.


Shadow11Wolf50 t1_j11xtq0 wrote

Ive seen the poster you have at the coffee shop door downtown. I hope you find him.


Ogtrot OP t1_j11ygat wrote

Thank you, I appreciate that.


Shadow11Wolf50 t1_j13pnv2 wrote

Now that i think about it, I may not know where any homeless camps are but there's a church on the North side of town that feeds the homeless every Sunday in exchange for the usual "we feed you while you listen to us preach". You might be able to ask the church if they've seen him or be able to hang up that poster there. The church is called Eben Ezer Romanian Assembly.


Ginger_bbw t1_j14yfau wrote

Freeway Ministries off Kearney & Kansas does this on Saturday evenings.


elaborate_hoxha t1_j11weh5 wrote

Go to The Connecting Grounds. They may be able to help.


blurubi04 t1_j11ymye wrote

The lady from the connecting grounds lady was on KY 3 just this evening. They seem to have a really good relationship with each local camp.


Much_Measurement_907 t1_j13jtil wrote

Came here to say this! Christie Love is the biggest advocate for the unsheltered community in Springfield. She would be the best connection to help!


WorldFoods t1_j14pthm wrote

She really is amazing. I’ve never met her, but I’ve also never seen someone put action to their words and faith like she has. I’m thankful there is someone like her in our community.


notnotpegbundy t1_j12be7d wrote

I just hate to hear he hasn’t been found yet. Still keeping my fingers crossed. I’m so sorry, and it’s so cold.


Redneckshittery t1_j11wg8d wrote

I don’t know about now, but there used to be a lot of people back in the woods on the east side of West By Pass and FR 142, across from Anhiser Busch.


totalrudeb1tch t1_j124xwf wrote

They've bulldoze most of that area


filsofolf t1_j149h97 wrote

There is definitely still one over in that area. Saw a parked cop car around there yesterday near an opening in the tree line.


drewboto t1_j161fe5 wrote

I wandered through there in the summer. It was practically a woodland village. Also there's more woods on the other side of west bypass there too. Lots go further to the south closer to sunshine and there's more camps as well as camps behind McDonald's up in chestnut and bypass


_cybele_ t1_j12ccjk wrote

Could he possibly be traveling with a girl with dreadlocks?


Ogtrot OP t1_j14f8co wrote

Anything is possible, what have you seen? Dm if you'd like!


throwawayyyycuk t1_j11rg61 wrote

You want to know where all the homeless camps are?


Ogtrot OP t1_j11wnda wrote

Thank you so much. I'm not the cops. If my brother is alive, this is my best shot; just looking.


IDDM1DM t1_j11xj3a wrote

Be very careful here but there’s one in the woods alongside west bypass, on the left when you turn onto w farm road 168. You’ll need to park at the business at corner and walk across the road to get to it. If you hit James River you went to far.


Ogtrot OP t1_j11y8ei wrote

Yes thank you. All have been scary. Kearney by walmart (before it was cleared) was v scary.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j152lyd wrote

I would conceal carry if I were you honestly. You don't need a license, Missouri is a constitutional carry state. Aside from that and just suggesting that you be safe, hopes and prayers that you find your brother. If my brother went missing I'd raise hell itself up until I found him.


Ogtrot OP t1_j153010 wrote

I do. Didn't before, do now. First scary camp changed my mind.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j15mo0r wrote

Good to hear. Hope and pray you never have to use it. Preparation is key tho. Violence doesn't give warnings ahead of time


mangogetter t1_j12fkxp wrote

Please do not post (or ask others to post) the camp locations here, or elsewhere, or they will be bulldozed by the city and folks will lose one of the few places they can exist. I hope your brother is okay, but you should take this down.


throwawayyyycuk t1_j11shcu wrote

Well, popular internet culture would have me joke that you are the cops trying to bust the homeless camps, but I feel times are too dire for that sort of thing.

So, there’s one off chestnut exp by the railroad tracks you have to turn on to broadway from chestnut to get to it and it’s pretty big,

There’s one by the overpass on glenstone near the Braums, turn into Braums and park in the car dealership to the south of that,

Some people camp out to the west of brick city, but not many usually.

A few in the woods south of the main graveyard on grand (the one by msu)

Hmmm… I’ll update my post if i think of anymore

Edit: there used to be a small camp east of the Walmart on Kearney but I think that is cleared now (?)

Oh, and there’s a fairly sizeable one off Kansas expressway right after the dollar tree and harbor freight and batteries bulbs+ going north, take that road that slopes down and you’ll see it on the left


AceTheRed_ t1_j14qdfu wrote

Man, reading all that is depressing, especially with the massive cold front coming tomorrow



WendyArmbuster t1_j121z6r wrote

37.16288720084212, -93.24362729171858

Park on Covington, enter from trail on greenway at bench. I haven't been in there in a bit, so there may not be people living there now, but there may be a few.


trashchan333 t1_j16c1fs wrote

My mom works at the metal recycling yard and sees lots of homeless people every day, I’ll show her this flyer and see if she’s seen him and that way she can keep an eye out for him too. Best of luck finding him!


andheinz t1_j13xxrz wrote

I see a lot congregate by the Veterans Coming Home Center downtown near the courthouse I’d ask around there and I’d ask the Homeless there, it seems pretty safe during the day, good hunting I hope you find him.


hxhxgsuiw8rutcuhxiao t1_j15zkcr wrote

Would he have gone to a surrounding state? May be worth checking NW Arkansas since I know there's a large homeless community in Bentonville, though that may be too far away.

I'm sorry I don't have any information or additional help. The Ewings have always been such good people, and this hurts my heart so much.


Killjoy911 t1_j14qamz wrote

Hope you find your brother. Sorry I’m not more help.


Upper_Case_655 t1_j177b0n wrote

Behind the Home Depot on independence. Ask the Kum and go workers as well. They visit there often.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j153k3l wrote

Have you considered the possibility that maybe he's staying in one of the surrounding towns(Branson, Ozark, sparta, nixa, Highlandville, Spokane, Republic) have you reached out to known aquantinces of his? Etc?


Ogtrot OP t1_j154ag9 wrote

It's been 8 months. Yes, we've talked to everyone we know that he hung out with.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j15mxfh wrote

And what's the scoop? What have you found out, any sort of breadcrumb trails? Do all of his aquantinces stories of when they last saw him line up with each other or does any one in particular seem "off" or stand out from the rest?


Ogtrot OP t1_j15pbzn wrote

Some stuff I can't talk about because it is part of an active investigation, but either he is homeless or someone knows something and isn't telling us.


Hippy_trippy_jon_boy t1_j15uanw wrote

Sounds about correct to me honestly. You can message me if you'd like to further talk or anything. He looks oddly familiar and I don't know why, I don't recall ever knowing him or anything of that sort. But I feel for you, I truly do, otherwise I wouldn't of bothered to say anything at all.


gderossett t1_j1f5hzj wrote

I’ve been keeping up with this since earlier in the year. I didn’t know Iain well but I used to live near Hurts and his energy was just always so kind and calm. I Google his name probably weekly just hoping for some news. I hope y’all find him.


Ogtrot OP t1_j1f66cm wrote

Thank you for those kind words. I miss him so fucking much


Bad_witch666 t1_j1kzfcj wrote

I had seen your original post on Facebook and reached out but didn't get a reply. I'm 90% sure we have seen him at a couple art walks down town either right before or right after he went missing.

We have not been in a few months because of rain but we will continue to keep an eye out when we are in Springfield.


OzarkMo t1_j15d19f wrote

Seems like he doesn't want to be found


Ogtrot OP t1_j15fxth wrote

Just pop by to say some shit? We don't know what happened to him. If he is alive, there are some basic concepts to understand. People who are struggling with self-worth and addiction often don't want to be a burden. This can drive them from both their support group and their will to be a part of society. This is a small part of my attempt to find him.


ninjaboss56 t1_j12pw0w wrote

So after a casenet search he isn’t arrested but does have a warrant for a possession from this year. Case was filed 07/22. Given that bit it is probably less likely for him to risk staying in a homeless camp and more likely for him to be staying with a friend or friends. I understand you wish to find your brother but the police are on Reddit believe it or not so this post maybe help you however it is detrimental to those staying in the camps. These camps are kept secret for the simple fact that if anyone from the city knows where they are, they’ll be run off and their property destroyed. It’s not easy for the homeless to replace things like sleeping bag, tents, ect, so why make a post asking for the information publicly. I’ve personally dealt with Springfield’s finest in one of the old camps so seeing a post like this makes me sick to my stomach.


Ogtrot OP t1_j14f425 wrote

What makes me sick to my stomach is my brother missing! I'm at a point that I don't have other options. I've been everywhere I could think of. Cops have been clearing camps all year. I'm desperate. It is going to be 5 degrees tonight and I'm terrified he is out there. If you're saying I'm somehow unaware of his records, you're out of your mind. His warrant is not for possession. It's for missing the court date. Because he's missing... I'll do whatever I have to to find him. And if you wouldn't do the same for your sibling, then we have different ideas of what family means. He is my best friend and I'm asking for help from our community. I don't want to cause anyone any issues.


blu3dice t1_j14iwxb wrote

You may wanna hit up the emergency warming shelters and show his photos to the volunteers. I know Brentwood church opens their doors at night when the weather gets bad. They would have a list of other official warming shelters.


ninjaboss56 t1_j15m57b wrote

There is a right way and a wrong way. Are homeless shelters the only place you’ve looked? He could just as easily be in a sober living home that you are unaware of which would make sense because he was going to court for a possession charge. And yes his warrant is for missing court over that possession so he does have a warrant for possession. All you will achieve by this is throw homeless people in harms way. You want to know why those homeless camps can be dangerous? Because their tired of people like who who don’t care what the police do, as long as we get our fucking way right? You’re what is wrong with society. I have no issues with you seeking out family but those locations should never just be out on a public post. As well as careful visiting the camps posted here. I’ll PM some basic spots for you but they stay between us alright? Imma also give you a number for a local sober living office so you can call them and ask if maybe they have seen him.


4ofjuly7 t1_j139d2c wrote

the Punpun tattoos seem accurate.


Ogtrot OP t1_j13mlz1 wrote

I'm not sure this comment was coming from a positive place.


4ofjuly7 t1_j170rfr wrote

A good read for sure, it ends with him coming back and reuniting with his family and finding becoming himself again.. more of a hopeful comment in context.