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poth3lps t1_j1548p8 wrote

There is no do all fix all. It's a solution in response to an issue, yes. The response is, if you ruin someone else's life, be it on purpose or otherwise, it's going to ruin yours. It means "if you don't train your dog, there are major consequences." This isn't gonna be able to be handled by just speaking to one another. Action will need to be taken. People need to be punished. When there is a major consequence to certain things, people tend to work around those things to avoid the consequences. In this particular case, intentionally finding workarounds to having a properly trained dog is commonplace. Thankfully, dogs make it known very quickly without any owner intervention if they are well trained or not. Anyone who has been around 100+ dogs a day knows that, too. (This is not to suggest you don't know that information) If a dog is well-trained, no one bats an eye, if you hear insane amounts of barking and notice your neighbors dog is essentially trying to shatter their living room window to get to some kids playing? THATS FUCKING DANGEROUS MY GUY

I'm not saying I know all the answers or even that you were asking for any from me. I'm just saying that holding people accountable after the fact is a start.


the_honeyman t1_j156ttg wrote

Again, you're not wrong.

It's just that punishment after the fact doesn't stop attacks from happening in the first place, which is really what we should be after.