Submitted by hstac09 t3_zrkic4 in springfieldMO

What's with all the people lately walking down busy roads in the dark wearing dark clothes? Just had someone walk down the turn lane outside Vermillion on Scenic in the pitch black dark. I barely just saw them when I was ten feet from them. Scared the $ out of me. Fortunately for them I wasn't turning or it could have ended badly...



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Low_Tourist t1_j149r80 wrote

Between the pedestrians wearing dark clothes and darting in and out of traffic, and the cars driving with no headlights, it's becoming like Frogger out there.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_j13pwfp wrote

Yeah, there’s always a problem with that. Nearly hit a couple people walking their dog the other night because they were both dressed in dark clothing - if the dog hadn’t had a white belly it would have been a much closer call.


Yomrdbz t1_j1479q1 wrote


It's like they don't even care either. They don't walk faster or even try to avoid the cars at all, almost like they want to be hit.


Stat_Sock t1_j14gv1e wrote

This happened to me a few weeks back! I was at campbell and grand and this guy runs across Campbell to get to the Neighborhood Market, and of course he crosses like 20ft away from the cross walk


pssssn t1_j14isl6 wrote

I've been having this issue a lot.

Reminder to everyone to buy a front (and rear) facing dashcam. When you hit someone you will want this footage.


CCarsten89 t1_j16c2n2 wrote

Hard to get both sides of the story when the one side is dead


Snekathan t1_j14f5p8 wrote

I live off scenic and mt Vernon and it is a constant thing here. Anytime I drive on scenic at night there’s someone walking or biking with no lights and dark clothes. The bikes are the worst because you’d at least expect some sort of reflector, but no, and of course you gotta share the road.

I nearly hit a guy once going towards grand, I was probably only a few feet away before I saw him and had to swerve pretty hard. I honked just to warn him and he didn’t even flinch just kept walking. These people have a death wish


VaderTower t1_j14ofvb wrote

Same issue as the rest. Going 45 on Glenstone, get 50 feet away and realize someone in black clothes is walking across the road. Slam on the brakes because I can't really tell which direction they are going.

What the hell ... I'm not even surprised by pedestrians being hit and killed at night anymore with this happening to anyone who drives after dark.


drewboto t1_j15ptju wrote

There's some pedestrians with death wishes in that corner of town. I was riding passenger a few months ago on scenic coming up to Grand. We had the green light so we were full speed limit. Some dude on a bike on grand rides around all the stopped cars at the light to run the light while we're full speed coming up to our green light. I look over at driver to see that biker is most likely visually blocked by the A pillar for driver so I yell STOP. She slammed the brakes without questioning my yelling thankfully. By this time, dude is biking mid- intersection looking down at the ground. She lays on the horn, then dude lazily lifts his head to look at her with an expressionless face and keeps lazily pedalling across like nothing happened


my_monkeys_fly t1_j13qqvv wrote

Edited to fix my mistake. They were walking WITH traffic, not against like I said. They were walking away from us as we came up behind

I have called and reported a few out on H highway when they were walking in the road, with traffic, at midnight. I damn near took them out.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j13uojw wrote

Pedestrians are supposed to walk against traffic, but H highway is one of the worst roadways to walk. Vehicles are going 55+mph, there's barely any or no shoulder at all, lots of bridges and low spots with water that produce insane amounts of fog at times. Those crazies that walk to their cult church on the weekends have become a real problem, they walk with traffic and sometimes two abreast. Rarely, I'll see someone jogging or cycling on H as well, fuck those people too.


vainamo- t1_j14y60f wrote

Sometimes there's like a whole family walking abreast. I used to live in another area with these people, and they will keep doing it until the county is forced to put in sidewalks out there.


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j156mmo wrote

I mean, there's another possible ending to the story. I'm not advocating for it, but I won't be bummed if it happens.


vainamo- t1_j15e4fo wrote

Eh, I'd be bummed if someone got hurt. They wouldn't see it as a reason to change their religion and start driving on the sabbath. They'd just see it as another way the "world" is against them, and they'll just keep walking on the road with even more assurance that it's their destiny to do so.


my_monkeys_fly t1_j14faoa wrote

Sorry, I misspoke. They were walking WITH traffic. Where I came up behind them. Had a brain spasm and not on the side, we are talking a foot from the center line, at midnight. If someone had been in the other lane, we would have had no place to go except off the dropoff


Television_Wise t1_j16lk20 wrote

>Rarely, I'll see someone jogging or cycling on H as well, fuck those people too.

Yeah, fuck those people! Going out in their neighborhood to get some fresh air and exercise, the nerve of them! Don't they know SUV rights come first?


BlueCoatYellowBoots t1_j16v48v wrote

Lol neighborhood. It's a 2 lane highway, no shoulder and a 55mph speed limit. The farm roads are iffy, but H highway is suicide for pedestrians. I get it, r/fuckcars and all that, but people have to get to work from rural areas somehow.


Television_Wise t1_j1761or wrote

Yeah, I used to live on a 2-lane rural highway. I know what they're like.

>I get it, r/fuckcars and all that, but people have to get to work from rural areas somehow.

I get it, but people have a right to leave their house and exercise where they live. Cursing at them and blaming them for the poor infrastructure is nonsensical. They're not any more responsible for the lack of sidewalks or road shoulder than you.

Dealing with other kinds of traffic--whether that's car, pedestrian, cyclist, horses, or tractors is part of life and part of using the transportation system. Hating everyone who uses a different means of transport than you because it mildly inconveniences you is beyond childish and selfish.

Jogging and cycling on the road is literally what it's there for, when sidewalks and cycling paths don't exist alongside.

It's not suicide for them, it's homicide when someone kills them because it was just too darn inconvenient to drive in a way thats safe for all forms of traffic and arrive home 5 minutes later.


vanna1988 t1_j14qli1 wrote

I also live in that area and yea I can attest the amount of zombies walking down scenic in the dark is absurd. I’ve almost plowed people several times.. I’m always very proactive about keeping an eye out for them..Hell just the other day I had some dude in all black on a bicycle straight up cut across the road in front of me around midnight ish as you can imagine it scared the crap out of me..


Sophia_Starr t1_j16zo5w wrote

I agree. I can't tell you how many times I've driven down many streets for whatever reason in the evening/night, and MULTIPLE people are walking across the street in dark clothing, not under a streetlight.

And don't even get me started on people who obviously were never taught the rules of the road, and that people who ride bikes are supposed to follow them the same as those of us who drive cars.