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[deleted] t1_j179l0e wrote



Saltpork545 t1_j17g9md wrote

As someone who has carried a gun on my person for 15+ years and who has a lot of detailed knowledge of self defense cases: No.

Legal shootings can be like buying a car and setting it on fire in terms of legal fees. It depends on the circumstances and if the DA's office will prosecute. All shootings that end in fatality are homicides, it's just if they're justified or not. Having dipshit evidence like 'just leave the door unlocked' doesn't work in your favor and homicide cases will 100% look through your social media for evidence of you being a dumbass.

Castle doctrine is a thing in this state and I fully support it and armed people but it's fuddlore bullshit to 'shoot through the door'. Imminent serious threat of bodily harm to you or another.

Someone having a mental health issue on the other side of your locked door is not that until they gain access to your home without your consent.

Take this shit seriously, it is serious to kill someone. If nothing else your 20 grand in lawyers fees is a whole lot more fucking expensive than a door frame.


Great-Bratton t1_j17jbmv wrote

Preach it, Saltpork. People are so hopped up on internet “tough guy” shit that they forget that we live in a society with laws and consequences, not the Thunderdome.


ho1doncaulfield t1_j19db38 wrote

I have been recommended a lot of those detective interview videos by YouTube lately for some reason. And I hate engaging with them because it feels like YouTube's version of trash tv. But it is *insane* how nonchalant people can be about doing something very, very dumb and life-changing!


Saltpork545 t1_j1ayqu9 wrote

It is and over extremely small things.

Probably the best piece of advice I've ever been given about carrying a gun is that I don't get to have ego battles. No road rage, no arguing with someone being stupid, and no drinking with a gun on your person. You will still get mad, you will still get annoyed or bothered by others, but you have the responsibility of something that comes with lethal force on you and there is no parking spot, shitty neighbor or bad driving worth ruining your life over. Let it go, get back to your life and your business. Water off a duck's back is my turn of phrase for this when I'm telling others.


Separate-Finding-697 t1_j17oyu0 wrote

Damn chill Mr know shit. Who said anything about killing him, you're dramatic.


Saltpork545 t1_j17so6b wrote

> If he gets in your house just 2a his stupid arse. Its cheaper to leave your door unlocked than to have to replace the whole doorway...

> Who said anything about killing him, you're dramatic.

Read the first sentence. Read it again. If you didn't mean kill him, what exactly did you mean? Make him a sandwich? Call him an uber?

Own what you said. Own how dumb it was.