Submitted by traylord t3_zs8alv in springfieldMO

This happened like thirty minutes ago. I'm sick in bed. SO was making dinner. Stranger knocks on the door. Dogs start freaking out. "I was sent here to tell you to be careful. My mom sent me here to tell you to be careful." The guy walks away when my girlfriend starts asking for me. She's really freaked out. I've grabbed the baseball bat.

Has anyone else in Midtown dealt with this? Is this person threatening us? Dude was a white male in his twenties. Blonde hair. Wearing all black with a tan duster/trench coat thing.



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LifeRocks114 t1_j16ptcg wrote

it's likely a dude having a mental health crisis. if you feel unsafe you can contact the police, but I suggest you just lock doors and windows and hunker down for the rest of the night. it's unlikely the dude is going to come back. if he does, call the police.


traylord OP t1_j16rrnc wrote

I didn't see the guy, but his voice was unnerving. Heard him say something about watching the street as I was walking to the door. We're hunkered down. Folks in midtown just be on the lookout.


var23 t1_j17fxl3 wrote

Midtown is around Drury. It’s the name of the neighborhood.

Grand and grant is West Central to the north and Fassnight to the south. There’s a link in the sidebar.


MonoChaos t1_j17g8nm wrote

Knowing this city, dude was probably high on drugs


Saltpork545 t1_j17g9md wrote

As someone who has carried a gun on my person for 15+ years and who has a lot of detailed knowledge of self defense cases: No.

Legal shootings can be like buying a car and setting it on fire in terms of legal fees. It depends on the circumstances and if the DA's office will prosecute. All shootings that end in fatality are homicides, it's just if they're justified or not. Having dipshit evidence like 'just leave the door unlocked' doesn't work in your favor and homicide cases will 100% look through your social media for evidence of you being a dumbass.

Castle doctrine is a thing in this state and I fully support it and armed people but it's fuddlore bullshit to 'shoot through the door'. Imminent serious threat of bodily harm to you or another.

Someone having a mental health issue on the other side of your locked door is not that until they gain access to your home without your consent.

Take this shit seriously, it is serious to kill someone. If nothing else your 20 grand in lawyers fees is a whole lot more fucking expensive than a door frame.


Saltpork545 t1_j17hbgb wrote

This but don't expect police help. Police exist for 3 reasons: Paperwork for the court system, responding to stuff after it occurs and possibly solving major crimes like murder or arson. That's about it.

Some dude knocking on your door and sayin creepy shit might not even register on their radar depending on how busy their night is. Like it or not, nothing bad actually happened, so they might not show up at all. Welcome to calling police.

> I've grabbed the baseball bat.

This is Missouri, I would highly suggest some form of firearm in your home if it doesn't put anyone living there at great immediate risk and then have you and your girlfriend need to get training on how to use it. Too many people buy guns thinking they're magic talismans whose sheer presence will ward off stuff like this. They don't.

It's a machine. If you've never drove a car once in your life and have an emergency where you need to go to the hospital as quickly as possible without forethought without any driving skill how good do you think you would be? Exactly. Buy gun, get training, practice. Shooting is perishable and it's a responsibility too few people take seriously.

If guns are out because of mental health or criminal background or whatnot, look into good quality pepper spray. POM makes a good one for carrying around, S&W makes a large can that is duty use and like 10 dollars.

Life isn't a movie, subduing people, particularly people who aren't in the right state of mind can be extremely difficult.

Locking up your doors and windows and keeping a watchful but not paranoid eye out tonight is a good idea. So don't put earbuds in, don't keep the TV excessively loud, etc.

Don't be on edge, you're probably not being purposefully focused. Just pay attention.


Saltpork545 t1_j17so6b wrote

> If he gets in your house just 2a his stupid arse. Its cheaper to leave your door unlocked than to have to replace the whole doorway...

> Who said anything about killing him, you're dramatic.

Read the first sentence. Read it again. If you didn't mean kill him, what exactly did you mean? Make him a sandwich? Call him an uber?

Own what you said. Own how dumb it was.


the_honeyman t1_j18qdh9 wrote

There's nothing to "hunker down" from. Dude said his piece and moved on. Probably forgot about your house as soon as he hit the sidewalk. Just keep your doors locked (as you should no matter where you live, unfortunately) and you'll be fine.


mb10240 t1_j18tqcc wrote

Midtown houses Cox North which houses the local mental health facility. Knowing somebody that has had a (voluntary) stay there, they do tend to release folks that might be homeless with no resources or anything, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this gentleman had just been released from Cox North.

I haven’t been in Midtown all that long but my neighbors have been here 30+ years. They’ve had a couple of experiences similar to this, but not regularly.


robzilla71173 t1_j1984lm wrote

Plot twist, his mom is Sarah Conner.

Doesn't sound threatening, just sounds like someone having a mental health issue like others have said. Grew up there, some odd characters knock on your door sometimes. I was once treated to a ten minute long hypothesis on how Eric Clapton killed Stevie Ray Vaughn out of jealousy of his talent. I would've run back inside but I honestly wanted to see where he was going with it.


ho1doncaulfield t1_j19db38 wrote

I have been recommended a lot of those detective interview videos by YouTube lately for some reason. And I hate engaging with them because it feels like YouTube's version of trash tv. But it is *insane* how nonchalant people can be about doing something very, very dumb and life-changing!


Saltpork545 t1_j1ay4yq wrote

No. Most folks don't think all of this through, particularly on their first encounter with something fucky. They get shaken up by it. That's why I lay it down how I did.

Not my first rodeo. If you don't like what I have to say, you're welcome to move along. It's worth exactly what you paid for it.


Saltpork545 t1_j1ayqu9 wrote

It is and over extremely small things.

Probably the best piece of advice I've ever been given about carrying a gun is that I don't get to have ego battles. No road rage, no arguing with someone being stupid, and no drinking with a gun on your person. You will still get mad, you will still get annoyed or bothered by others, but you have the responsibility of something that comes with lethal force on you and there is no parking spot, shitty neighbor or bad driving worth ruining your life over. Let it go, get back to your life and your business. Water off a duck's back is my turn of phrase for this when I'm telling others.