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notnotpegbundy OP t1_j1by1ae wrote

I am sorry you were ever in a situation that has caused you to feel like you cannot trust shelters.

Maybe this list, or the wonderful comments left by others, can help someone.

Please stay warm.


GinWithJennifer t1_j1cxwxj wrote

Burrrr it's OK. Inside my cocoon. Even a few seconds outside feels unbearable


Goblin4Morrison t1_j1dweo4 wrote

I opened my window for a minute and my breath got caught in my throat. Sending you warm thoughts, friend.


GinWithJennifer t1_j1dwxcj wrote

Im good. Need more hand warmers for tonight but then its supposed to go back to """normal""" or how it has been. usually 15-30.

I am hoping to deploy my solar panel today since the sun is out...if the ice on my back windshield relents


GinWithJennifer t1_j1dkrlg wrote

I made it. The hand warmers in my socks are real mvps. They are still a little warm this morning when most others are solid cold.

I'll tell you I don't want to do what again without twice as many 🥶