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heavyrocker1989 t1_j2f5s5i wrote

I'll throw in my 2 cents as I also do not want to stay here and am actively planning on moving.

Between family wanting me to stay and a secure source of income, the income part is probably the hardest. While I can do my job remotely, they still want me in office once a week and they pay me very well for the area so I can't really knock that right now... I am saving up and making plans, just taking time and discipline.

The cost of living in the area is super low, albeit rising, still very low compared to other even more conservative parts of the country. I thought Wyoming (where I'd like to move) would be lower to comparative income, but they're shockingly higher than here! I also own my home, so selling and purchasing something over there is another hurdle... I'm trying to figure it out as we go.


mjkluvr1981 t1_j2fheh1 wrote

This is me right now. My job and cost of living is keeping me here for now. But I am making plans to move!