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Cloud_Disconnected t1_j2ewbvc wrote

The low cost of living here can be a trap that makes it difficult to move somewhere else.

Some people have lived here all their lives, have no basis for comparison, and have an idealized view of what they think other places must be like.

And some people just thrive on greivance, and feel special when they highlight how very refined and worldly they are compared to the backward rubes here. It's kind of "le wrong generation," except it's "le wrong geography."

There are lots of things wrong with this area, but there are good things, too, which is what I try to focus on. There are negatives about anyplace you can live, nowhere is perfect.


var23 t1_j2exlbj wrote

Parable Of The Two Villages

A man who was traveling came upon a farmer working in his field and asked him what the people in the next village were like. The farmer asked "What were the people like in the last village you visited?" The man responded "They were kind, friendly, generous, great people." "You'll find the people in the next village are the same," said the farmer. Another man who was traveling to the same village came up to the same farmer somewhat later and asked him what the people in the next village were like. Again the farmer asked "What were the people like in the last village you visited?" The second man responded, "They were rude, unfriendly, dishonest people." "You'll find the people in the next village are the same," said the farmer.


Electronic_Cook5406 t1_j2f3juy wrote

ELI5? god i'm dumb fml i don't get it. i know what parable means though.


var23 t1_j2f549u wrote

People who complain about things like hating where they live can sometimes just be that type of person. They will complain about where they live no matter what.

On the other hand some people are just happy and will find ways to be happy where ever they are.


jttIII t1_j2fob8p wrote

"If you're looking for the best in people, you'll probably find it. If you're looking for the worst in people, you'll probably find it..."


Deceptivejunk t1_j2exqc0 wrote

There are a lot worse places to live. Springfield isn’t super amazing, but it’s not as bad as some people make it out to be. Yes, the crime and drugs on the north side are appalling but any decent sized city (and even those much smaller) will have that.

Springfield is easy to navigate, has a good number of businesses, and is close to rivers and other attractions (Branson, Tablerock Lake, SDC, etc), with a low cost of living.

I’ve lived in big cities where just driving anywhere took 40+ minutes and I’ve lived in small towns where there was nothing to do but work and/or party and even wanting something as simple as fast food was a 30 minute drive away.

I like Springfield. Will I stay here for the rest of my life? Highly unlikely, but I’m not in a hurry to leave either.


AnarchoCapitalist123 t1_j2f8wa6 wrote

I've lived in all of those places, and the best to me has always been places where fast food is 30+ minutes away. Cities the size of NYC or even STL/KC shouldn't exist in my opinion.. Nothing bigger than Springfield. Its the perfect size.. Just don't live closer than 30 minutes away from it


blu3dice t1_j2euung wrote

Obligations like partners, school, families, work or chronic illness/disability that keeps them close to certain resources.


Miserable_Figure7876 t1_j2ew7ix wrote

Obligations are definitely the number one reason I stay here.

Cashew chicken is the number two reason.


Cthepo t1_j2f3l63 wrote

If you grew up in the Ozarks, you'd know that outside religion, bellyaching is our religion. 😂


the_gone_angel t1_j2fezu0 wrote

I’m not moving until I have plenty of savings. The low cost of living is why I’m stuck here


Cold417 t1_j2esydc wrote

Probably the same reason people hate the car they have but keep driving it anyways.


actualpintobean t1_j2f26oq wrote

I’m here for college, gonna finish my degree, and never come back. So I will leave, it’s just in progress ✌🏼


vaccineluvr69 t1_j2fj6be wrote

This is what I did! I feel like if you’re from a bigger city, you come to Springfield for college and don’t stay. If you’re from Springfield or a smaller surrounding town you might come and stay.

Edited: wording but I think you all got my point


KoiCyclist t1_j2f2llh wrote

!RemindMe 2 years


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_j2eybom wrote

I think the people who tend to complain about the area the most are the people who’ve been here their whole lives.

I’ve lived somewhere else long enough to realize Springfield isn’t that bad. COL is reasonable, weather (while admittedly bipolar) is decent, we’re in easy reach of “big” cities but still large enough to attract some great stuff here. If you like the outdoors, we have almost everything you could want within easy reach.


snacksv1 t1_j2f041p wrote

I agree with this. Sure, Springfield has its problems, but its a great place to live and raise a family. You can only see and realize this by living in other places for a while.


armenia4ever t1_j2f1aht wrote


The things here that are geared toward families with kids are very affordable and within a 20 minute drive.

That's a big deal as it's hard to find anything resembling a semi city lifestyle that's affordable for actual families. Most cities aren't and are often not kid friendly or a place you can raise a family.

Springfield certainly has issues, but I'd take it over somewhere like St Louis or Chicago.


Goblin4Morrison t1_j2f7vyu wrote

The weather is NOT bipolar, please stop using that term as an adjective. My illness is not a descriptive word for fucks sake.

The weather changes frequently. Call it moody.


houseofwarwick t1_j2fbuit wrote

It’s an adjective that also happens to describe a medical disorder. Take a look at how bipolar is used in chemistry for another example.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_j2fffir wrote

Google “bipolar definition.”

  1. having or relating to two poles or extremities. "a sharply bipolar division of affluent and underclass"

“Moody” could be considered offensive too if you want to take that route. I’ve been clinically depressed and could easily be described as “moody” on those occasions. I don’t make jokes like “Hey, tell Mother Nature to take her meds,” because mental illness is NOT something to joke about - as someone who has suffered mental health issues I’ll be the first to defend that. But bipolar isn’t a term exclusive to psychiatric realms.


heavyrocker1989 t1_j2f5s5i wrote

I'll throw in my 2 cents as I also do not want to stay here and am actively planning on moving.

Between family wanting me to stay and a secure source of income, the income part is probably the hardest. While I can do my job remotely, they still want me in office once a week and they pay me very well for the area so I can't really knock that right now... I am saving up and making plans, just taking time and discipline.

The cost of living in the area is super low, albeit rising, still very low compared to other even more conservative parts of the country. I thought Wyoming (where I'd like to move) would be lower to comparative income, but they're shockingly higher than here! I also own my home, so selling and purchasing something over there is another hurdle... I'm trying to figure it out as we go.


mjkluvr1981 t1_j2fheh1 wrote

This is me right now. My job and cost of living is keeping me here for now. But I am making plans to move!


Emeralds201 t1_j2fa344 wrote

I did leave. Best decision of my life


Whereismymind3 t1_j2ewjyg wrote

A lot of people on here are going to say things like money or family. The reality is most people that live here like Springfield just fine, Reddit is just a good place to bitch to others about our community. Springfield skews much different politically and religiously than Reddit does. This sub is one of the few places they can find like minded people that live here to bitch with. I am part of a few other city subs that are similar to Springfield albeit a bit larger. Same types of posts happen on those subs.

For the vast majority of people here, if you want to move you can move. It takes commitment if you don’t have much money because you’ll need to save up, time your lease correctly, line up work options, etc. I have a few people in my family that are lower to middle class financially and they’ve moved around the country just fine. This doesn’t apply to everyone, but it does to most people in this sub. Once again, most people don’t want to move and would rather use this community to vent frustrations.


liketysplits t1_j2fdysa wrote

I definitely don’t hate it here, but I’m planning to move this year, don’t you worry.


Stormsoul22 t1_j2fil7m wrote

Do you know how much it costs to move?


Axissurfer t1_j2fjljn wrote

If you have a desirable skill lots of companies will pay to relocate you.


jaydub1001 t1_j2exrb3 wrote

They complain because they've never lived in Florida or Columbus, MS.


Z00tNT00tN t1_j2f3rw8 wrote

Lol I lived in FL for three years. I’m so glad to be back here honestly


ManlyVanLee t1_j2fa0xg wrote


If I could move I would do it. But I would need 3 months rent up front, a new job, a safety deposit on rent, money to rent a truck, time to pack and fill that truck, manpower to move the things into and out of the truck, and plenty more I'm forgetting

And I don't have kids. If I did then I would also need to find a good school district, do that paperwork, and have a million more things that cost money to cover


Television_Wise t1_j2fpkfs wrote

Really, I complain because I know we can be better and do better, as a city and region.

If no one complains, nothing is ever going to change. I'd complain wherever I live about the issues there, because people should work to make their home the best it can be.


akarrsgf t1_j2f7i5g wrote

Jobs. Proximity to family, friends. Making friends in a new place is increasingly challenging with age. Also, moving is difficult and stressful, potentially more difficult and stressful for some people than staying, even if staying kinda sucks.

That said, I left, and I'm much happier.


bobone77 t1_j2f0u4o wrote

Familiarity breeds contempt. Everywhere I’ve ever lived people shit on the city/town, it’s just what happens. No different here than anywhere else.


Live-Cicada t1_j2f7vy2 wrote

Raised here and my family is still in town. It would be challenging to leave because I’d really miss my parents and siblings.


Professional-Net9237 t1_j2f97re wrote

The “This school sucks” mentality seems to be a theme in the Midwest. I’m also from Missouri, but live in Denver. People are more engaged Denver, but also no one is from Denver. Lol🤷‍♂️


Advanced_Car1599 t1_j2ew8pp wrote

Because the grass is always greener on the other side.


HippiChick09 t1_j2fbdfk wrote

Because it’s a black hole.

Plus, if you try to leave, you always, always end up back here. It may take 5, 10, even 20 or more years. But you’ll be back.


Ecstatic-Bid422 t1_j2fbphl wrote

not even that bad frl, lower cost, yea its filled with methheads but with some friends n boards n a little bit of the gods plant, its alright


Aimless78 t1_j2fwtv0 wrote

It is common in every town and city not unique to just Springfield


_ism_ t1_j2esv85 wrote

Because like I always say, if Springfield is the city where I learned about trap houses then it stands to reason that Springfield itself is a trap City


jttIII t1_j2fongh wrote

Springfield is like the old boxes of neapolitan ice cream I got as a kid. It's got a pretty good variety for the price point and it's exciting to have options... but it's neapolitan ice cream out of a box for $3.49... you probably shouldn't be expecting gourmet ice cream of any flavor in the box but appreciate the good flavor blasts you come across in each category.


Fun-Chicken-7191 t1_j2f7hj1 wrote

Bc this town is awful and ir sucks you in. It’s hard to save to move. I cracked into my 401 and up and moved to Chicago for 10 years. Unfortunately I came back and I regret it with my heart and everything. All my friends have pretty much died in this town. It’s so gross


Axissurfer t1_j2f2s1n wrote

Excuses. I’ve lived in 5 different states. It’s not that hard to move. Some people will be miserable anywhere. I’ve noticed liberals are the ones who seem to complain the most but refuse to leave.


Goblin4Morrison t1_j2f8533 wrote

That’s funny, I’ve noticed republicans are the ones to complain the most. Odd how your point of view can change the outcome.


Axissurfer t1_j2f8cgo wrote

You must not read the comments on this group much then.
