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SeaboltFamilyFarm OP t1_j1mokwn wrote

Food project in this case, means the consumer knows where it came from, how it was raised, the diet, and local instead of big market government subsidized and pumped full of vaccines and steroids for super growth these animals will be raised in fields with hay and grass, so by all means there is nothing free about the process because as before mentioned I cover all my cost uncle Sam don't foot the feed bill, pay for heat, water, and give me big checks to help me with anything I cover all costs and by doing so I give the best product I can and a product that is raised openly raised ethically and lived it's life as good as possible in turn There is less pollution, less diesel and oil consumption, less wasted meat and produce, more locally grown animals and won't be contributing to deadzones, will be using 99% of our waste as compost the reason I call it a project is because it is exactly that, we want to try these methods of Zero waste and local grown pasture based foods we also know the importance of making money and producing the absolute best quality meats possible to keep the consumer happy and wanting more!


the_honeyman t1_j1n4ef9 wrote

Ignore that dude. He's a prick. You guys keep doing what you're doing, sorry there are so many bitter people in this sub who downvote everything.