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Tully1022 t1_j1werju wrote

So city jobs have different ethic requirements, is that what you're saying? What difference does it make? Never mind, that was a rhetorical question for you. It obviously makes a difference.

So educate me, where do you draw the line on how important the job before ethical behavior kicks in?


zakriebinx t1_j1wglhf wrote

Wow. You need to chill. Life is too short to be as up tight as your sorry ass.


Tully1022 t1_j1wie9k wrote

So if my opinion differs from yours I'm tight? If you don't like my opinion then butt out of the conversation. You apparently have some pretty low life values yourself.

BTW, you didn't answer my question, scooter.


zakriebinx t1_j1wkhnj wrote

You are a sad little judgmental boomer who has nothing better to do but be a keyboard warrior. I hope you get to touch some grass soon.


Tully1022 t1_j1wzt2d wrote

Ahhh, now I see where your thoughts come from. Thanks but no thanks to the weed. I'll take life as it is. You still didn't answer my question, Cheech.

For your information, I'm not sad at all. I retired a few years ago and built a home on Table Rock Lake. I'm doing just fine my little friend who is searching for the meaning in life and why boomers question those without morals and ethics. :)