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BetterMakeAnAccount t1_j1sxhtx wrote

Misleading. I did all those BJs and they never got me my trophy.


WaywardDeadite t1_j1ssc1f wrote

My uncle worked for them for over a decade. Lovely company with great owners. My uncle got cancer and had to quit. 3 years later when he passed away (in November) they sent a card to my grandparents. He loved working at BJ's and I think he would recommend them.


bobone77 t1_j1tbst1 wrote

No idea what they’re like to work for, but I’ve bought hundreds of trophies and plaques from them over the years. Always first rate work done as promised and on time, a couple of times even when I wasn’t on time with my order.


MissryMan t1_j1uervq wrote

Have nothing but great things to say about this place an their owners. I’ve been in many times and had great experiences. I have a friend who personally knows the owners and they are top notch. 10/10 recommend.


LowDiscipline323 t1_j1t5mk8 wrote

Horrible place to work unless you like toxic management. They have a high turnover rate for employees as no one likes being treated like crap. The owner and his management don't care about new employees, they have their little inner circle that can get away with anything and everything. They like to gossip about new employees and tell other employees about your pay rate and if you ask for a raise you best believe everyone is going to know you did, plus they'll tell you it's coming soon every single time no matter how long you ask. If they plan on firing you then your not going to know and you're even going train "someone that is here to help take the load off of you". My advice, don't even bother with them.


dreadpirateryan13 t1_j1tej45 wrote

You're the only negative comment among a ton of glowing ones from people that have experience with them; either as a customer or employee. Kinda sounds like you might be the problem.


LowDiscipline323 t1_j1tu55u wrote

3 other people is a ton of glowing comments? Sure. Considering the other employee was from years ago management has changed since then. Obviously they are nice to customers, that's how you run a business. I've actually worked for them recently and seen all those things I've mentioned in the period I was there, not all of it was things that happened to me. The poster is welcome to take a job there if they want, that's up to them. Just figured I'd warn them of what's been going on recently.


VaderTower t1_j1vcxiq wrote

Another interesting point is the user has only 2 posts on Reddit and they're both here.

I'm less inclined to believe a completely anonymous account that has come out of no where with no background.

Not saying the company is good or bad, just that I don't know how credible the negative review is.