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Moonmeato t1_j2ldjv3 wrote

Haha I always think more or less along the same lines now.

The area would be PERFECT for a Trader Joe's and have sent in multiple requests over the years and nothing. I mean, the nearest TJs in multiple directions are 3 hours away. Geographically alone it's in a prime spot.

They'd make a killing here with their specific stuff and at this point someone has got to be blocking them for TJs to still not be in Springfield.


oliviashanks t1_j2m06sm wrote

They aren't concerned with filling in gaps. They are looking for markets with specific attributes, and we are much too poor and uneducated.


Renn_1996 t1_j2mzs8i wrote

Ding ding ding we have a winner. Same reason we won't get a whole foods


thedevilsmusic t1_j2mdiri wrote

We're much more of an aldi market. Its probably the closest thing this poor town will get to their sister company, Trader Joe's.


GmanG64 t1_j2mh58e wrote

They're not in Columbia either... Talk about a place that's really perfect with all the liberals.
