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CandyBoBandDandy OP t1_j3istyv wrote

Are you serious? My cox physician sent me to eustasis and said he could not fill it. They are the one's who tried to convince me I needed to see eustasis for bi polar too. Thank you for letting me know about this, I'm pretty mad now


CuriousLapine t1_j3iu2gc wrote

To clarify again, the doctor doesn’t FILL the prescription he sends it to the pharmacy. I don’t think any GP has controlled meds like that on hand.

And I expect seeing a psych for BPD is absolutely normal. I would not expect my GP to treat that.


CandyBoBandDandy OP t1_j3iwi5f wrote

No I knew what you meant. My general physician said he could not legally send the prescription to the pharmacy


CuriousLapine t1_j3ixp7u wrote

Weird. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any reason that would be, but then I’m not a physician. I’d rather not put it out there publicly but if you’d like to know what clinic/doctor my husband uses feel free to PM.