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Kabosh668 t1_j2x2x6z wrote

anyone sees this thread please do not go to this piece of shit gym. its not worth it


Sithaun_Meefase t1_j2wihp7 wrote

Yes I have. In a court settlement. I moved an hour away from Springfield and sent them my new address, utility payments in my name and proof of purchase of the home, like they asked. When I thought the contract was canceled, because they told me it was. Obviously I stopped paying. Then I got hand delivered a letter from the sheriffs deputy being served! lol it was ridiculous honestly. They are for sure scammers working for commission there. Honestly, good luck.


Tr0z3rSnak3 t1_j2wosr4 wrote

They apparently only have one person able to cancel contracts for the entire network (I'm sure they keep it that way for a reason)


Reasonable_Garage318 t1_j2wq2mw wrote

I was able to "buy out" of mine once I was halfway thru my contract. I had signed up for a 3 yr. Idk how I was lucky enough to get it done


Dear_Significance_80 t1_j2xlm6m wrote

Definitely avoid. I was part of the class action lawsuit against them after they bought out Ozark Fitness and stopped honoring contracts. Scummy bastards.


MeowKat85 t1_j301fdz wrote

They tried to get me. To the point it was on my credit score. So I disputed it and they dropped it.


OzarkHiker1977 t1_j2x629k wrote

My dad was one of the first members of Ozarks Fitness there on Battlefield and went for over 25 years like clockwork...he left when Genesis took over and the place became disgusting and very unhygienic... He brought it up several times but nothing was ever done so he left...A lot of the older members that he worked out with for years have also left. Avoid them if you can, they are still fighting my dad on his contract I think, not 100% though...


coolrefreshingbepis t1_j2x85aj wrote

I cancelled in person at the south location way back and never had any issues with it.


Anima_EB t1_j2xg18v wrote

Avoid at all costs.


EngryEngineer t1_j322e1a wrote

It took years of fighting and getting bounced from person to person to get it canceled, which is wild considering I was trying to cancel it because their personal trainer (who I hired for safety not motivation) landed me the hospital for 2 weeks.