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arcticmischief t1_j352zrp wrote

Interesting. I’d be suspicious of an online thing that charges so little of being a pill factory. You didn’t get that impression? I’d be interested in testing them out for that price.


ThrownAwayPeach t1_j3559b9 wrote

The assessment was incredibly thorough and I have no doubt it is actually legit. I recommend them on that alone.

My biggest complaint for treatment was it looked like they had a high provider turnover. I started the service right before I unexpectedly moved from another state and the doctor I had initially talked with isn't licensed in MO. I scheduled an appointment with someone here but had to schedule with someone else in the second month because the first was no longer available. In my experience at least, appointments had to be made on a monthly basis and my prescription was set to whatever my chosen pharmacy was to be filled so I was still paying for the medication itself as well.

I brought up ADHD treatment at a recent doctors appointment and am now having it managed through my PCP but I would have continued using ADHD Online had that not been an option.