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ArtByChristinaCheek OP t1_j3drlk3 wrote

Urban Roots does a fantastic job for sure! -- We would have an online form that would have the option to omit certain produce and replace it with a seasonally available alternative. We don't want to be dishing out onions to folks who are allergic to onions, for example! Ours will be like a share model, but outfitted to be more adjustable. What we do not sell in the produce boxes, such as excesses, can be sold at the markets. If anything doesn't sell and is still good for human consumption we will be donating those to a non-profit that helps people in food crisis. Whatever may end up in waste, will go back into the farm as compost or animal feed. We are 100% against food waste!

Please feel free to follow the farm page on facebook and join our newsletter


malevolentk t1_j3jtcm7 wrote

I love this is becoming more popular!

It’s a great way for folks to get fresher food and to support local - I wish your venture the best of luck


ArtByChristinaCheek OP t1_j3q1dh2 wrote

I completely agree, with the farm location we may end up having to do deliveries as a subscription service or a meet and pick up at one of the farmstand or farmers market places due to overall costs of gas etc. Our aim is to keep our food as affordable as possible and not go into debt doing it 💪

Thank you!!